Chapter 8 - Supprise...We're Moving!!

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*****Lexie's POV*****

"Well..." I replied

"Spit it out!" Avia responded impatiently.

"We're MOVING!!" I shouted.

"What?, Where?, When?" She bombarded me with all these questions. I had to put my hands on her shoulders to stop her from jumping up and down with excitement.

"Avia, Avia, calm down, I will tell you everything on the way there." was my response.

I grabbed my keys and a few suitcases, "Well are you gonna stand there or are you gonna help?" I asked looking at the room full of suitcases and back to her. "Be careful with that one, it has our 'food' in it!" I pointed to the case on my right. "And all that stuff we just brought, yeah I packed it already." I finished with a toothy, cheesy smile.

"Okay!" she replied and grabbed some cases as well.

With that, we took all the cases to the car and got in. We were only taking the essentials, all the clothes we bought, makeup, stuff like that. We wouldn't need anything else where we're going.

"So where are we going?" She started with her questions again.

"Well we're going to live with an old friend of mine in Mystic Falls, Virginia, he's like us, and lives with a couple of others. One's not like us, but she knows about them." I told her.

"Really? I've never even heard of that place before, how long will it take to get there?" She sounded generally curious, and not impatient.

"Oh, your gonna love it!" I smiled at her, "It should only take a few hours at most." She sighed with relief.

"Thank goodness for that!" She breathed.

After a couple hours of small talk and singing to the radio, Avia spoke up again. "You hungry? Cuz I am" She asked as she started to search through the case of blood she had by her feet. "Bear, Yum!" She started to drink.

"Could you pass me some O Negative?" I asked as she was finishing her blood bag.

"Sure, here you go." She said after a few seconds of searching.

"Thanks!" Then I downed my breakfast.

For most of the drive, Avia and I talked about what was going do when we get to Mystic Falls. I explained that we're going to go to school with the friend we're staying with. She didn't like it that much, but if we were going to stay inconspicuous than we have to blend in, act human. Well for the most part.

An hour and a half later, we pulled up outside an old boarding house. We got out of the car and went to the front door, I tapped on the door three times.

The door opened and behind it stood my bestie!

"Stefan!!!" I shouted and grabbed him around the waist hugging him.

"Lexie!, I'm so glad your here!" he shouted back whilst pulling me into the hug. "And you must be Avia, I'm Stefan Salvatore, please come in!"

Avia and I followed Stefan into the boarding house, to the living room/parlour. He gestured for us to sit, where there were two other people, Stefan's girlfriend Elena and his asshole of a brother Damon.

"Avia, I'd like to introduce you to my brother Damon, and my wonderful girlfriend, Elena Gilbert," Stefan said gesturing towards the others sitting on the couch opposite.

"Hello Avia," Damon said in a deep mysterious tone, that sounded like there was a deeper meaning to it, "It's nice to meet one of Lexie's friends!"

"Hello." was Avia's only reply in a small, shy voice.

"Hey Avia, it's nice to meet you. You too Lexie I've heard so much about you, I hope we can be great friends" Elena spoke up with a kind smile in her face.

For the rest of the early morning we talked and got to know each other, well Avia got to know everyone, and I was getting to know Elena, she looked just like Katherine, I'd swear it was her if it weren't for the heartbeat and for the fact that Elena wasn't a raging bitch. Stephan told us how Elena had found out about him being a vampire. And also how Damon had killed Elena's birth mother and that one of the teaches in school was married to her. Alaric Satlzman, she mentioned they were close friends. She guessed that meant the was kind of her step dad. As well as the towns vampire hunter.


A/N: Here's another chapter, YAY!!!! At the moment I'm ill and so I thought to get my mind off it I'll write a chapter. I hope you like it and btw I wrote the start of this chapter and because I do it on my iPhone, I accidentally deleted it so I had to start again, but what's done is done! Vote, Comment and all that and I'll talk to you next time BYExxx!!!!  

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