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The snow fluttered down slowly, piling up along the castle walls. Reagan Snowfyre stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by maids. They rushed around with various dresses and other garments, making a lot of noise. 

"What do you think of this one m'lady?" A girl asked, holding a beautiful grey/blue gown with lace detail. "It'd go wonderfully with your eyes."

Reagan smiled. "It's exquisite, and please do call me Reagan. What is your name?"

The girl nodded. "Daria, m'la- Lady Reagan."

"Thank you Daria." She said, then raised her voice. "Thank you, but I no longer require your services. Daria, stay." Daria nodded and waited wile all of the other girls filtered out of the room.

"Will you be my handmaid? You will be rewarded for good work." Reagan asked. Daria looked overjoyed.

"Oh yes Lady Reagan, That sounds great!" She curtseyed.

"No need to curtsy." Reagan sighed, no matter how much she protested, she was treated like a princess. Although she was a princess.

Daria nodded. "I must go, Lady Reagan, there is stil so much food to prepare." She scurried from the room.

Reagan slipped on the dress. It was truly extraordinary. It was tight at the waist, making her seem thinner that she actually was, the fabric the precise colour of her eyes. She took it off again, saving it for dinner. She pulled on an older dress with shoes that didn't have heels.

She slipped out into the hall, and walked outside for some fresh air.

"Morning!" She called to some guards. They bowed.

She strode over to the stables to see her pony, Emily.

"Hello girl." She stroked her soft grey fur, before sitting up on the horse. Together they burst from the stables and rode around the courtyard. They rode out to her favourite place, a small pool, known only to her and her siblings. It was heated by underground springs, which was nice in the winter. There was a grove of apple trees next to it, so her and her brothers and sister liked to come here and escape the world.

She dismounted, and gave Emily an apple. She then sat by the water, watching the steam curling off it into the freezing winter air. 

It was so peaceful. She lay back and closed her eyes, breathing in the air. It smelled like trees, and dirt, snow and cold. She drifted off slowly to the unknown, and began to dream.

"Hello?" Reagan called. She was alone. She glanced around. SHe was in her father's throne room. "Father? Are you here? Its Reagan!" She shouted, her throat sore. She heard steps behind her. She turned. It was her brother Will. "Will!" She cried, hugging him tightly. "Where is Father?"

Will turned away. "Reag, Father is dead." 

She choked back a sob. "No."

"Yes. Father is dead, and we have nothing." He said, his voice colourless. 

Reagan shook her head. "We have eachore making her way up to her brother  other." She hugged him tighter.

Reagan was prodded awake by her siblings.  Renn sat by her head, Will by her feet. Elena was by the pool, dangling her legs in the warm water.

"Reag, you missed dinner." Renn chuckled. Reagan sat up quickly. 

"Really? Did Father get angry?" She asked. Her Father had a dreadful temper.

"Actually, no. He knows how much you hate big feasts." Willhelm explained.

"They're disgusting! Fat men and Women gorging themselves on food until they are sick, so drunk they are incomprehensible, and many are a bit too friendly for my liking." 

Renn nodded "Brandon was asking for you." Reagan stood up immediately. 

They walked back to the castle, Elena sitting on Emily. 

Reagan put Emily back in the stables before making her way up to her brothers room. Brandon sat in the bed, reading some pieces of parchment.

"Hey Bran." She sat beside him. "What are you reading?"

Bran looked up and grinned at her. "Hey Reag. I was just reading the family history."

Reagan knew the story. 300 years ago, Her ancestor, King Alfron of Dragons Keep, had been bestowed with a gift from the gods, a dragon egg. He was very powerful, striking fear in the hearts of men. He was also the most loved of all kings, known for his compassion and humbleness.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not too bad. I want to go riding later." Her eyes widened.

"Bran! You are too weak!"

"I will always be weak if I do not push myself."

"But your illness-"

"Reagan. I feel better."

"Fine. At least rest first, and I'm going with you." He nodded and closed his eyes. She pushed back his hair and kissed his forehead gently. Then she stood up and left the room.

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