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Renn stumbled on the step as he was walking up to his fathers library. He Regained his balance, his face burning. He had always been clumsy. He had never been good at shooting, joustion, even horseriding. He was often beaten by Reagan.

He slipped quietly into the room, soft carpet hiding his footsteps. He loved the library. Him and Reag had often come up here to sit and read. It was amazing to be able to escape into another person's life when he was sick of his own.

He picked an old volume, one of his favourites.

One upon a time, there was a young knight who's name was William. Ser William was known all across the land for his strenght, bravery and skill. His brother was not so fortunate, He couldn't remember the vows, or hold up a sword. He had never succeeded in hitting the target when practicing. 

His father looked down on him, treated him like scum. After a while, the boy (whose name was Rickard) began to believe it.

People jeered at him, throwing rotten food at him in the streets. Before long, he ran away from it all.

He sat down under an old oak. There was a babbling brook close by, and he loved the sound. He began to sing, his troubles slipping away.

For my name it is Rickard,

The fool of Dunnekeep,

I would give all my money,

For half a nights sleep,

Without being mocked,

For my lack of skill,

I'd give my soul to the devil,

To do what he will.

Just for once,

I wish I could be,

Less of a dunce,

But brave as can be.

Animals had gathered to hear him. He realized that this was what he was good at. He bade goodbye to his family and set off, alone, around the realm, spreading the gift of music.

Renn smiled at the parchment. He always felt better after reading. He stood up and exited the room, and set off to find Reagan.

As always, she was in the stables. But this time, Bran was here. She glanced over at him, checking for signs of pain. 

"Renn," She called. "We are going for a quick ride through the wood, would you accompany us?"

Renn nodded nervously. Even in his health, Bran would be a much more accomplished rider than him.

They mounted their horses, and trotted over to the edge of the trees.

"Are you sure you're alright Bran? We could go back inside if you wish." Reagan suggested. Bran waved it away with his hand.

"I'm fine Reag, its just a short ride anyway."

Reagan scowled. Renn could tell that she didn't like Bran being outside, In Winter, in his condition. 

"Lets go." They set off into the trees.

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