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Maryse could have sworn her feet didn't touch the ground as she flew through the halls, following the old woman.

She stepped into the room, and choked back a sob.

"Gods, please no." She fell to her knees, and cradled her little girls head in her hands.

"My baby. My little girl. Tell it true, woman. Where was she found?" She whispered though the tears.

"She was by the door, your grace. I washed off most of the blood, before I brought her here. There was....... a note, your grace." The little old woman produced a small piece of parchment from her gown.

Maryse grabbed it from her hands.

This is what happens to dragons who rise above their station. Isn't she a pretty queen? Keep a close eye on your other children. The realm has no need for stupid dragons, we will wipe you out.

Her breath caught in her throat. Her voice was ragged. "Woman. Bring my remaining children to me."

When they were there, she held them close. "You are my world. You know that, right?" They nodded.

"No you don't. Not fully. You have no idea how much a parent loves their child. I cannot lose you. Please do not leave the grounds of this castle." They all nodded slowly. Willhelm had cried when he had seen Elena.

"Mother, why is she cold? Why are her eyes glassy? Why is she wearing a crown? Why-" he had asked.

"Willhelm, go to bed." SHe had snapped wearily, and he had slunk off to his room.

Edwyn's gods, my gods, whichever gods are listening, do not take my children away. Please. 

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