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Please don't fall, Please don't Fall. Reagan stared after her brother. He seemed healthy, but he was always, even as a child, one of those people who hid their ill health so that no one would worry. 

Her and Renn began talking idly, both too focused on Bran to pay attention to what they were saying. They rode slowly, stopping every once in a while to look at flowers and animals. When they arrived at the pool, they sat down like when they were kids.

"Reag, remember when we- " Renn was cut off by a bout of coughing. Bran knelt, hunched over, pressing his hands to his mouth. When they came away, they were streaked with blood. He wiped them quickly on his breeches.

"Its-Its okay, I-I-I'm f-fine." He shuddered. His eyes bright with sickness. 

Reagan and Renn both rushed to their brother's aid. He feebly tried to push them away. 

"I'm f-fine. I can stand."

He shakily got to his feet, and started to make their way over to his horse.

He fell to his knees. A startled cry escaped Reagan's lips. "BRAN!" She ran over to him, the hem of her gown tearing on brambles. She fell to the ground beside his, holding his head on her lap. Renn stood, frozen with shock, a few feet away. 

"Renn help!" Reagan almost shouted at him.

It took both of their combined strength to lift him onto the horse. Reagan was pale, she had never witnessed Bran's attacks. Renn wouldn't speak, he looked as if he was about to be sick.

"Renn, you are my twin and all, but you aren't being much help." She growled. Renn didn't respond. Instead, he pointed to something behind her. She turned slowly. A figure stood by an old oak, and evil grin on his face.

He approached slowly, a wickedly sharp dagger in his hand. His dark hair hung lank off his shoulders, and he wore ripped clothing and a tarnished  breastplate. Quick as a flash, Reagan pulled a dagger from Brandons belt, and flung it at him, it struck him in the shoulder,

"You little bitch." Reagan already had another dagger, and she was standing now.

"Oh, how sweet. A little girl trying to protect her brother. You won't be so happy when I kill him."

Reagan shuddered as a waterfall of Rage moved in her, A snarl escaped her. "You will not touch my brother,"

The man laughed. "Lets see you stop me." He started forward. Reagan launched her self at him, gashing his cheek, blood soaking into her gown. 

He laughed and slashed back, opening the front of her dress. She sucked in a sharp breath as the blade left a shallow cut across her torso.

"Renn, help." She looked at him, pleading.

"I- I can't, Reagan, I'm sorry." And with that, he ran into the trees, leaving Reagan to fend off the man.

Renn ran his fingers through his hair feverantly as he strode through the forest, trying not to trip. He didn't know what had happened. He couldn't fight off the man, couldn't help Reagan or Bran. And worse, he had left her there alone. He couldn't go back. Why am I so Craven? He asked himself. All I do is read stories of great warriors and noble knights and I am nothing but a lowlife Craven. He fell to his knees beside a shallow pool, and gazed into the water.

His blonde Snowfyre hair was wavy, he hadn't been bothered to fix it. His deep blue eyes were wide with fear and hatred. He could just end it all. He thought about how easy it would be to plunge a daggerinto his chest.

Reagan would never forgive me.

He stood up, filled with detirmination. He started to race back to Reagan.

Reagan screamed as the man knocked her back. She clawed at his face, blood dripping down, filling her mouth and splattering against her porcelain skin. She swallowed, leaving a horrible coppery taste. The man reached down, ripping her dress.

She kicked him, knocking the breath out of him. He growled and slapped her. She groaned and rolled over, and got to her feet. She wouldn't let him win.

SHe lunged forward, plunging the dagger into his shoulder. The man screamed in pain, but kept advancing.

"Fiesty. I like that." The man grinned stupidly. Reagan had had enough. She launched herself at him, slicing at his face, his legs, his arms. Blood spurted from everywhere, but unbelievably, he didn't stay down.

He stood up painfully. Reagan Panicked. The dagger was on the ground. The man was getting closer.




Almost there.

Reagan was paralyzed. At least I didn't go down without a fight.

Twang! Whoosh.... Thud.

The man looked down, startled at the arrow protruding from his Chest. Reagan looked back at her saviour. Renn stood on a small mound, bow gripped tightly. She ran to him, squeezing him tightly. 

"REnn! You came back." SHe whispered. Her brother smiled.

"I always will Reag." 

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