The Unlucky Saviour

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Darius could smell smoke, wafting through the drafty corridors of the castle. Assuming that it was one of the many fires to protect from the winter cold, he didn't really worryand pushed it from his mind. That is, until he heard to screams. He ran towards the sound, barrelling through the halls, knocking old maids. He came to the room where the screams were, and pulled at the handle. It was stuck fast. He tugged and tugged as hard as he could, until finally it burst open. What he saw inside turned his gut. A boy lay on the ground, flames licking his legs. They were burned black. 

He ran over and checked if the boy was breathing. He was. He pulled him out of the way of the fire. As he was doing so, the boys head turned so he could see it. He paled.


He ran out to the hallway and stopped a maid who was carrying a bucket of water.

"But , that is for Our Grace's bath!" She protested.

"Well, now it is for Our Grace's son. Tell King Edwyn to come to his sons bedchambers immediately. Queen Maryse too." She nodded and hobbled off down the hall. He ran back into the room and doused the flames as best he could, before lying his Royal Highness on his bed, which had mostly survived the flames.

The king burst into the room. "What is wrong? Is Brandon..........." He trailed off, a look of horror on his face. His horror turned to outrage. "What, pray tell, have you done to our son?" He spat.

"Nothing Your Grace, I swear!" Darius knelt.

"Rise. You have a choice. Do you choose to be hung like a Craven, or beheaded like a man?"

Darius cleared his throat. "B-behead, your grace."

The king nodded gravely. A knight entered through the narrow doorway. "Seize him, and take him to the dungeons." The King spoke clearly. Darius whimpered.

*end of flashback*

Yeah. So. King Edwyn isn't so nice. Just thought I'd let you know what happened. Sorry for the length. Stay amazing! ~Sarah xx

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