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"Well.." The girl stuttered. "My family.... they couldn't afford to keep all of us... so we were evicted. I needed to make money. I didn't have much, just my body. King Edwyn, he was nice. Other men just had their way and were done. King Edwyn though... he was gentle. I owe him everything. He left me some money." Her voice cracked.

Maryse nodded. "Its okay child."

"I'm sorry your Grace." The girl bowed her head. 

"How would you... like to stay here and be a handmaid? You will be paid handsomely I assure you."

The girl smiled. "I-I would be delighted your Grace!" She stood up and curtseyed.

"The work will be hard..."

"Anythings better than what I went through. I would do anything to make sure my daughter will never go through that."

"What age are you child?"

"19, come my next Name Day. Your Grace, if I may be so bold, may I rest please? I had to walk a long way..."

The queen nodded. "Of course. Good night."

The Dragon Tomes (On Hold.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें