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Maryse sat in the freezing throne room with her head in her hands. 

The room was deathly quiet. The queen had not spoken since that night. She had run out of tears, run out of words.

It hurt, the hole in her chest. A constant pain, a reminder of all she had lost.

Elena. Her beautiful little girl, taken from her. She would find the man who did this, and she would do all in her power to tear the skin from his body. He would die slowly, she would make sure of that. He would be kept alive, kept awake.

She gritted her teeth. A loud boom echoed throughout the castle. Maryse rose, gathering her skirts about her.

When the door had been opened, at the door, stood a pretty girl. She had long black hair, startling blue eyes. She curtsyed.

"Darcy" the girl called. A child peeked out around the girl. The child had a startling resemblance to King Edwyn.

"You see, before King Edwyn was crowned, he was married to me." The girl explained. "Darcy is King Edwyn's trueborn daughter."

Maryse was shocked. "Come in child." The girl crept in, seating herself on the floor by the fire, the child close by her.

"WHy did you come to us now?"

"You see, Darcy is in danger. They are looking to kill the Snowfyre bloodline, trueborn or baseborn, it makes no matter."

Maryse nodded. "Child, tell me your story."

The girl began to speak.

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