Chapter 5: Sick

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       I woke up to Leo coughing. Really bad. I shot up and looked at him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and mumbled something like 'I'm fine', but it was interrupted by him coughing. I stood up, and had him lay back down, covering him with blankets.

"Leo, you need to lay down. You must've gotten to yourself sick from being out for so long."

He tried to get, mumbling things of protest, but he fell back, in a fit of sneezes and coughs. I smiled lightly, kissing him on the forehead, and said,

"I'm gonna go make you some sup. Stay here."

I got up, and walked out, going into the lair. I looked in our pantry, pulling out a can of Chicken Noodle soup. I started to boil it, and in a few minutes, it was done. I poured it in a bowl, bringing it back to my room where I found a sleeping Leo. I smiled. His cheeks where flushed, which just made him absolutely adorable. Wait, did I just say adorable? Meh. Is alkyd over, and sent the bowl of soup on the table by the bed, leaving the room once more to get a ice pack. I came back in, and gently shook Leo up.

"C'mob Leo. Ya gotta get up. I know you're tired, but I got you some soup."

He opened his eyes, and smiled at me, which caused him to sneeze. I chuckled, and lifted up his head, untying his mask. Then, I set the ice pack on his head. I could hear him quietly groan in the ice cold please the ice pack brought him. I smiled, picking up the bowl of soup and sitting on the side of the bed.


I'm so so so so so sorry to end the chapter like that. But, it's eleven pm something, and since none of my friends are reading this, I need to say this to get this off my chest. This last night, I cut. I used a razor this time. I have a history with cutting, but I used pencils and pins and such. I have used a knife once. Not my first time using razor, but my first time using it bad. But, now I have no emotion for the rest of the night, so I don't have to cry myself to sleep! YAY! Night, I'll try to update soon.

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