*IMPORTANT A/N, PLEASE READ* (Chapter afterwards)

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Heh....hey guys! Guess who? I'm sorry... I honestly, have had so much on my mind that I forgot about this story for a bit. I want to update, and I will in this A/N, but...,. I've been thinking, and... Well, I've been thinking about suicide. I just don't know how much longer I can stand! I have mixed feelings, not sure if all my friends like me, and I've been feeling so sad lately.... I don't wanna let you guys down, but I just can't..... I don't want my friends to know cause they'll tell their parents, who'll tell mine, etc. I just need to be free! No more pain for once! I mean, one of my friends already thinks suicide is cowardly...  I've already been writing suicide notes for if I do.... I'll be leaving my brother behind, and my friends, and family...., but I don't know how much longer I can go on for. I know people are always judging me, and critiquing me. My one friend hurts me a lot of the times. Me and my friends have been being third-wheeled by our two friends who are dating... I don't get to see, or know, my god damned dad who probably hates me. My moms Ex who raised us doesn't seem to give a shit anymore. My siblings hate me. No one likes me.. I just want to be loved.... I'm sorry, this is turning out longer than I've expected.... Imma go shower, maybe hurt myself, clear my head, and start on the chapter. Sorry to bother you with my problems. Brb.

   K, I'm back. Onward with the story.


   I looked up at Raph as he brought yet another spoonful of soup to my mouth. I shook my head and groaned.

"I.. I can't eat anymore, Raph. But, can I use the bathroom."

   He smiled, and nodded, setting down my half eaten soup and helping me sit up, then assisting me to the bathroom. I turned to him.

"Alright, I'll be right out."

"Okay, I'll be out here cleaning up if you need me."

I nodded and shut the door, going to the toilet. Instead of going to the bathroom, I knelt down, sticking my finger down my throat, immediately causing me to throw up, quietly. I learned to do so after all these years of doing it, so the others wouldn't know. The chicken soup made me feel fat. After I brushed my teeth, I walked out. Raph was nowhere in sight. I looked around confused.


I turned around in shock when I heard him behind me.

"Leo, why did you throw up in the toilet?"


Sorry it's so short. About the beginning, just ignore it. It doesn't matter if I do end it. No one cares. Sorry to bother you.

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