Meet the Characters

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Robert Jekyll
The alter-ego of Hyde. Considerate and caring, but can get panicked and relies on Hyde for problems. A young, sensitive man with a strong sense of morality and loyalty. He slips between his own persona and that of Hyde's unwillingly. He has two sisters, Olalla and Charlotte, and an adopted brother, Ravi. He loved Lily Carew, but broke up their relationship after finding out she was an MIO spy. However soon after he rekindled his romance with Isabella Charming.
-Portrayed by Tom Bateman

The side of Robert awakened by injury, anger or red monocane. The exact opposite of Jekyll, confident, risk-taking and lives on the edge. However also loves Bella. Like his family, he is invulnerable and has inhuman strength. Dislikes MIO, Tenebrae and Lily Carew. Is known as Chaos in his Bloodlusted state, and can wield the Hyde Sword.
-Portrayed by Tom Bateman

Olalla Hyde
Robert's rebellious sister. Was taken in by Tenebrae at a young age and bitten by Keres, half-changing her into a vampire. Has inhuman speed and invulnerability, but has to feed on blood. Uses the Sangira Maximila, or bloodspike, to drain people of their blood. Is known as the Tribunal and wields the Jekyll Ring. Was in love with Santiago Greymark, a werewolf in Tenebrae, but murdered him to prove her loyalty to Captain Dance.
-Portrayed by Wallis Day

Lottie Jekyll
Olalla and Robert's sister. Mindwiped by MIO of her youth and stolen away by Tenebrae, she took the identity of Fedora, then Natalia Olejova, before settling with her birth name Charlotte, or Lottie. Her Hyde side was removed by Tenebrae during the Amortidor creation, but she gained telepathic powers. Is the classic sociopath, and has murderous tendencies, even preferences. Likes classic horror films and poetry. Is known as the Order, and wields the Jezequel Amulet. She fancies Tom Sackler of MIO, and used to love Teken Clariuidens when she was in Tenebrae. Has a Russian accent from living in Moscow for most of her teenage years, but it has softened over time.
-Portrayed by Natasha O'Keeffe

Maggie Hope
Lottie, Olalla and Robert's grandmother and Louis Hyde's mother. Caring and considerate, she looks after her family, and doesn't let anyone cross them. Her real name is Margaret Kendall, but changed it after she went into hiding from Tenebrae. As a young woman she was a performer at the Empire Music Hall, and admired very much so by Garson.
-Portrayed by Sinead Cusack

Garson Poole
Henry Jekyll's footman and assistant, Garson works at the Empire opposite Bella Charming. He is quiet, but fearless, and holds a special place in his heart for Maggie. Despite his age and knowledge of Hyde, he retains a certain affection for his former master that has been passed on to Robert, with Robert appreciating Garson's insight and knowledge into his grandfather's work.
-Portrayed by Donald Sumpter

Isabella Charming - deceased
Landlady of the Empire Drinking Hall and lover of Robert Jekyll/Hyde. Runs a criminal gang on the side, and is the classic 'bad girl'. She is powerful and can stand her own, more than a match for the unruly, supercharged Hyde. She's had a tough life and it shows. She's beautiful, dangerous, self-reliant, clever but eventually falls hard for the dangerous charms of Hyde. Although she is tough, Bella has a kind heart. She knows martial arts and is an expert pickpocket. She was killed by the Vampire Queen Keres in revenge, and Hyde is trying all he can to bring her back to life.

-Portrayed by Natalie Gumede

Ravi Najaran
Robert's adopted brother. Is a bookworm and loves finding out about monsters and the supernatural. Is now a host of the Reaper Bug so has limited clairvoyant powers. Intelligent and fluent in Latin.
-Portrayed by Michael Karim

Captain Melanios Dance
The leader of Tenebrae and former lover of Lottie Jekyll, Dance believes the world is only fit for monsters. He wants to recruit the Jekylls to help him with his aspiration. Has a strong disliking for Louis Hyde and Keres. He has regenerative powers and can be revived after death using Moroii. Is undead, and can revive corpses, turning them into monstrous creatures known as Vetala. His family supposedly originates in Hell, and he is related to the Old God, Lord Trash. His assistant is named Semira, a shapeshifting creature.
-Portrayed by Enzo Cilenti

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