Pilot - Infected

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After the events of Book of the Amulet

"Annual census has come in, sir", Brannigan called from the lift, a mountain of papers in his arms. He walked towards Bulstrode's desk and dumped them on top of whatever the officer was currently occupied with. "Every monster in London is in here". He pointed down towards the scribbled on forms, and Bulstrode could make out a few words from them: 'Werewolf', 'Seraph', 'Extremely dangerous', and 'Advise to incarcerate'.

"Well", Bulstrode started. "Any alerts?"

"Since the, ahem, Hyde incident, sir, nothing. Everything's gone quiet. It's awfully suspicious".

"I agree", the officer sighed. "And speaking of Hyde, what's he up to? You still have Sackler keeping an eye on him, right?"

"It's been quite hard to tell him not to, with him courting Miss Jekyll".

"Yes... Charlotte is her name, no?" Bulstrode took his glasses from the bridge of his nose and put them on top of the pile of papers he had to sort. "Keep me in touch, Brannigan. It's been quiet for too long, there's something on the horizon. Meanwhile..." He stood up from his desk and pulled the cage away from the lift. "I think we should check on our latest catch".

"So then I said, 'No, but the elephant might", Robert lilted, making the residents of the room rock with laughter. Olalla rolled her eyes; it was the fourth time she had heard this story since her brother had come back from Ceylon. He had obviously enjoyed himself, though he had become no more adept at telling jokes. She had just come down for a visit, since her employment into the Jezequel guardian. It had been very quiet, with hardly any activity from the portal.
The first few days after she had taken up the post had been hard. The portal had been damaged after all, the rift broken by the Hyde Sword. Three demon creatures had managed to materialise outside, but Olalla soon despatched them. Then, she despatched them again, and again... And again. It seems nobody had mentioned that the creatures had regenerative abilities, though it did make sense; they were technically already dead. Though now, perhaps maybe one would stray a month, find its way into her kitchen, only to find itself on the wrong side of a knife.

This was different. This was new. Everyone thought that; Ravi had even brought it up, only to be told to pipe down as soon as Robert came through the door. She surveyed the faces of the people in the room. All of them were silently fearful of the unknown. Even Bella, who hadn't even been in London to notice the change in activity, had a certain doubtfulness to her expression. Though Robert wouldn't know. The family had made a pact before he had come home to not enclose anything supernatural to him. It wasn't out of anything spiteful, it was simply that he had been through the wringer when it came to monsters, and, despite all that had happened, he was happy. Broken, but happy. And they wanted to keep it that way, no matter what.

Lottie had gone. Perhaps three months back, she had left a note on the mantelpiece in frantic shorthand saying that she 'Needed some me-time', and took their father with her. Though Ravi had said he had seen her on the outskirts of London a few weeks ago. He didn't ask her what she was doing and she didn't tell - it was obvious she was trying to keep it under wraps. Whatever 'it' was.

It was time for Olalla to go though. As much as she wanted to stay, she had images of demons meandering around her garden.

"Well then", she started, when the conversation had died down. "I think I'd better be going". She gave a small smile at her family and stood from her chair.

"Take care, my girl", Garson replied, lifting his glass to her.

"Yeah, uh, keep in touch, okay?" Robert stuttered, looking to the side. "I... I worry. About you".

A Monster Inside - Book of the Amulet - ITV's Jekyll and HydeWhere stories live. Discover now