15 - The (After)Life of the Party

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"We're here 'til midnight/Damn right/We're wound up too tight/I've got a fist full of whiskey/ The bottle just bit me/ We've got no fear, no doubt/ All in, all out// We're going out tonight/To put out all the light/Do anything we want/Take everything in sight/We're going 'til the world stops turning/While we burn it to the ground tonight//

-'Burn it to the Ground'.


"Where are the instruments, Hyde? We need to start the invasion soon", Keres asked. She had dropped her human disguise for her own vampiric appearance, and didn't seem to care for the face that any passing human could reveal her intentions. They had stowed away in a backalley behind a museum, and the other demons were trying to seek out the instruments, without much success, leaving them alone.

"They will be procured soon. And it is not up to you when we start. I need to see someone first". Keres squinted slightly, as if she was trying to read his mind.

"You want to visit the Devil's dimension?" she asked finally, one curved eyebrow raised.

"There's someone there, someone who can help", Hyde answered with a growl. He flipped the sword around in his fingertips, looking for some big, friendly button that would teleport him to Hell, but he didn't find one.

"Let me come with you", Keres lulled, tucking her dark hair behind her ear.

"Why? What could you possibly get out of it?"

"I want to ensure your safety".

"Are you sure you don't mean the safety of your new world?"

"Perhaps", she replied with a twinkle in her eye. She ran her hand along the lapels of his jacket, looking up at him, then ran her painted red fingernails along his hands, interlocking his fingers with hers. "Perhaps not".

"Hm", Hyde purred under his breath. "Okay, fine". He lifted the sword above his head and threw it down, cutting through the air in front of them. A visible cut, glowing red, appeared and Hyde held one side of it, ripping it apart like a wound. Stepping through, it surprised Hyde to find he was in a large hall, bathed in red light. "What the Hell is this?" he asked aloud.

"An appropriate choice of words", Keres answered with a smile. "Welcome to the great city of Hell". The room looked rather normal, with tall windows dotted around, spilling orange light from outdoors, black tiled floors and a soaring ceiling decorated with gruesome faces of demons. On the far end of the room was a long staircase, carpeted red, with swirling black banisters of iron. There were several creatures around him, drinking alcohol from tall tankards. Some were horrible misshapen, some had curling horns protruding from their heads. Though none of them looked the same, they were all as gruesome as the next.

"I'll leave you to it, then", Keres lulled, walking away towards a group of darkly dressed vampires, her deep purple dress sweeping the floor behind her. Hyde scoffed, sitting over at a bar next to some shady looking character with grey skin and fangs overlapping its lip.

"Whisky", Hyde exclaimed to a creature standing behind the bar. Flame red hair adorned her almost white face and her eyes were emeralds, slit down the middle like a snake's. "Make it a double".

"I 'aven't seen you round 'ere. Who are ya?" she asked, passing over a glass filled with amber coloured liquid.

"Who am I?" he repeated, swigging down the drink in one go. "Robert Hyde, at your service".

"Robert Hyde, you say?" a voice exclaimed from the staircase. Hyde looked to see a woman standing at the top of the stairs. Long, dark hair was neatly cropped at her shoulders and matched the black lace of her floor length dress. Silver bracelets encircled her wrists and her lips were painted red as blood. She walked quickly down the steps, running her hand down the banister. Approaching Hyde, she looked around him, studying him almost, then stood back. "Well it's about damn time", she lulled, smiling. "I'm Evelina Jekyll".

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