Pilot - Infected

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"If you understand hallucination and illusion, you don't blindly follow any leader, you must know if the person is sane or insane, over the abyss".
-Marguerite Young


Lottie hadn't seen her father after that moment when he nodded a goodbye and disappeared down the wall's face. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to follow. The view in front of her seemed too a desirable place to sit and ponder. Far in front of her was a jigsaw puzzle of stone walls interlocking with eachother, crowned by blazing sunlight bouncing off their tops. The sky was a deep crimson, swirled with black and gold, and a thin layer of white cloud floated a few metres above the maze. It did occur to her afterwards that she could have memorised the patterns of the labyrinth, but she wasn't the most attentive person on Earth. And besides, the maze seemed to move by itself; entire walls sliding into different patterns. That was what it was doing then. The stone made an awful sound when it shifted, like nails scratching down a blackboard, which made Lottie grit her teeth. However when it stopped, she noticed they had changed into two rooms. She guessed one of them was her destination. Dropping down the wall, she had rather forgotten she didn't have a Hyde to, well, survive that sort of fall, but luckily she didn't break anything, anythings.
In fact she teleported; not by her own doing, but all the same instead of landing face first into the stone flooring, she landed face first into a red carpeted floor. However she guessed surviving the fall wasn't the test.

Louis had been teleported too, to a different room. This one was tiled on the floors and walls, completely shrouded in darkness. On the walls were lots of bookshelves covered in books of all topics. Next to these was a single scroll hung from a nail, closely covered in writing. He approached it; trying to figure out the inky text, and then realizing he may need spectacles as, even when he was only a few feet away, it was still blurry. However, he eventually read it as:

'Abandoned for 22 years. No mother, no father. The only person near. Is the man who desires to kill her. Her story taken away. And buried under a sheet of ice. Broken into two pathways. Her life a roll of the dice.
You left her. The Order. Your punishment? To relive the moment she lost all hope.  And find the letter, to find the key, to find your escape'.

"Was that it?" he pondered. "Just find a letter. It's probably in one of these manuscripts". He thought of the challenges including horrifying monsters and creatures from Hell, but, well, this seemed like child's play. He started to look through the novels on the shelves, but they were all empty. Nothing but stained parchment bordered with gold ribbon.

"Who are you?" he heard a tiny voice say behind him. It sounded...strangely accented. Like British, but with a strong overlay of Russian. He was about to turn around, introduce himself, but then he heard heavy footsteps. Curiously, he turned around to see a curly, dark-haired child, around the age of seven, with huge, emerald eyes. She wore a dark green dress which was slightly too long in the sleeves. He was sure he had seen it somewhere before. Was it... Evelina's? Yes, yes, he remembered. It was hers when she was young. But how did this child get hold of it? Then he thought about the manuscript.

"You left her. The Order", he spoke out loud, but no sound came out. Lottie. This girl, this terrified, little girl, was Lottie. How could he be so blind? She only looked young, must have been just after he.... left her. But she was at her grandmother's after Tenebrae, so why wasn't she there. A long shadow stretched across the ground; a silhouette of a man wearing a coat and a wide hat. He didn't know where this was, or why Lottie was here, but he was sure he was about to find out.

"Your punishment? To relive the moment she lost all hope", he thought, thinking of what the manuscript said. "The moment she lost all hope".


'Falling apart at the seams. With no candle to guide him. The only thing in his dreams. To escape what's inside him. Three children at his side. But no matriarch. Used, abused, driven by pain and lies. In a world of light, all he saw was dark. 

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