5 - For Evil or Not at All

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"He wears his heart safety pinned to his backpack/His backpack is all that he knows/Shot down by strangers whose glances can cripple the heart and devour the soul.

All alone he turns to stone
while holding his breath half to death/
Terrified of what's inside
to save his life he crawls
like a worm from a bird/
Crawls like a worm from a bird"
- The Bird and the Worm, The Used


Knocking into gravestones and muttering expletives under his breath, Hyde approached the doors of the church. Unbeknownst to him however, Renata had decided to follow him, though her mind was screaming that it was a bad idea. There was a thick, iron-plated chain across the handles, which Hyde just laughed at and pulled off without much trouble. He ripped open the doors then paused, staring into the darkness.

"I know you are there", he exclaimed, not turning around. Renata's heart was beating a thousand times a minute, but at least she was armed. Before she had left the house she had made sure she had picked up something heavy; in this case a frying pan. If things really got messy she knew a knife would just make him angrier, she needed him knocked out.

"Whatever you're about to do, Hyde, don't do it", she replied, clenching her fist to stop it from shaking.

He just sighed and muttered something under his breath, then walked in through the doors of the church. "Don't follow me, darl. You won't come back out in one piece". With a mind racing, and a heart heavy with the possibility that she might not see Teken again, she followed him. Adjusting her eyes to the darkness, she was alarmed to see Hyde, holding the Sword up to the portal. The long crack in it was glowing an ice blue, and it lit up the face of Pan that the portal was hidden beneath. Running, she leaped for Hyde, grabbing onto his back with her arms and legs. She held the metal pan tighter in her hand, and with all the strength she could muster, hit him with it.
"Don't", she yelled, striking him again.

"Bloody". With every strike she targeted at him, he didn't even flinch.

"Do it".
He just laughed; what could a frying pan do to him? She dropped down to the ground, which, given her and Hyde's height differences, was quite a long way down.

"Was that really the best you could do?"

"Well, you're lucky then that I couldn't find a brick".

"You're right. I'm terrified of building materials".

"What about your family, Hyde? Do you want them afraid? Is that it?"

"Afraid? No, that's not enough" A smile crept to his face as he saw a bead of blood run from Renata's shoulder, and he held the Sword outstretched to it. Her face was utterly horrified, and she made an effort to not show that she was in pain. He bent down, close to her face, and she could see the crimson in his eyes. "I want them terrified". Slowly, he twisted his blade in her shoulder, letting blood drip to the floor and seep into the cracks in the stone floor. She inhaled sharply. Further the blade sank into her shoulder, and she desperately tried to hold onto Renata Jezequel's image and Lottie's power, but the torment was too much. In a bout of pain, she morphed into her original self, only for a moment, the appearance that MIO had given her, bony and almost skeletal. She clawed for the Sword, just to relieve it slightly, but she only clasped air.

"Don't do this Hyde. Please, I'm begging you", she bawled, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. He paused for a second, tilting his head in curiousity.

"I like you begging", he lulled, lifting his chin. "Do it again".

"...No", she said finally. Instead, she gathered just enough strength in her arm to bring the frying pan up to slam into into Hyde's jawbone. He growled, his face had gone rather misshapen, and, with his free hand, pushed it back into place with a gruesome snap.

A Monster Inside - Book of the Amulet - ITV's Jekyll and HydeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin