22 (Part One) - Sorry I Missed You, Sorry I Forgot

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"She said at night in my dreams/ You dance on a tightrope of weird/ But when I wake up you're so normal that you just disappear/ You're so straight like commuters with briefcases towing the line/ But there's a residue of a torturer inside of your eyes/ And I said/ If crazy equals genius/ If crazy equals genius/ I'm a bloody arsonist/ I'm a rocket scientist/ If crazy equals genius/ You can set yourself on fire/ But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn/ You can set yourself on fire/ But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn//

- Crazy = Genius


"Well then", Hils exclaimed, clicking two monocane darts into her rifle. "We just going to sit here or actually fight?"

"I didn't know it was going to go this far, Hils. If you, or any of you for that reason, want to leave, I won't blame you", Olalla started, and was just met by Hils chuckling under her breath.

"Do you really think I have anything else to do, hm? I'm out of a job, been living like a bloody introvert ever since Max left. I'm not going Olalla. At least it'll look courageous on my gravestone that I met my end battling demons".

"Let's go". The group cautiously emanated from the trees, Olalla leading, but was met with the sight of Keres, leaning on one of the gravestones. She smoothed back her hair, apparently oblivious to their arrival, but shot a sidelonged glare at Olalla.

"So glad you could make it, my child", she lulled softly. "And you brought some friends too. How wonderful".

"We're here for Hyde. I want my brother back", Olalla answered, trying to ignore the almost sarcastically kind look in her eyes.

"Well, that was obvious. You wouldn't be here for me, would you? Those days are long gone", she murmured, her words drifting off near the end of her sentence as she picked at her nails. "What happened to you, Olalla? Such potential, wasted on such a... freak show".

"You broke me".

"I didn't break you, darling. You did that yourself. I merely directed you, bent you to Tenebrae's rules. I never knew that my good efforts would be misspent on such a useless, little br-". Olalla couldn't take it anymore, leaping forward with her knife gripped in her hand, but Keres just disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

"Is everything just illusions with you, Keres?" she shouted into the darkness of the church. "You're a coward".

"Want to say that again, vamp?" growled a voice back. Not Keres's though. Hyde's. "Have you learnt nothing from our last encounter?" His crimson eyes almost glowed in the darkness, and the sunlight bounced off the Hyde Sword in his hand as he came out of the church. It devastated Bella to see him like this; to see the human she saw in his eyes every time the monster emerged gone.

"Hyde", Bella breathed softly, approaching him. She put her gun in her pocket, and put her hands out, like you would with a wild animal. "I came back. I came back for you". Continuing to draw nearer to him, she smiled, a sad sort of smile, like he had asked her to at the Empire when she saw him last. "Look, you're sick, and I know I'm probably the root of the problem, but... come home, please. I've missed you, Robert. I've missed... us".

"Who the Hell are you to tell me I'm sick?" he snarled.

"Who the 'ell am I?" Bella repeated, having to hear it again just to make sure she wasn't mistaken. "Robert... do you really not know me?"

"No", Hyde replied. Bella didn't think words could hurt her, but now she knew. Words were knives that often left scars, and one simple word meant so much heartbreak for her. He really didn't remember her.

"Please, Robert", Bella implored, holding him by the wrists. Her hands ran up to the lapels of his jacket, and she held on, as if she let go she would lose him forever. "You're my everything. From the moment you walked into the Empire you had my back, and I had yours. And I've lived a life, I've seen life and death, demons and angels. May not believe in them all, but if there's one thing I believe in, it's you. So get up, off your arse, and win". Hyde paused for a moment, hand loosening slightly around the sword, and the scarlet in his eyes seemed to fade to blue.

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