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Name:Mansi Sharma
Likes:FOOD!!! and my friends
Dislikes:Mean people and people who insult my friends

Hy I'm Mansi Sharma I won't say anything about my family I do love then nd all but I'm just wayyyyy to lazy. So yada my beastie is Anjali I just love her a lot even if she is obsessed with relationships that doesn't change anything. Oh and I have a crush on Nishant he is just really sweet towards me and helps me out a lot. Well I'm good to you no matter what but if you take my food or even after knowing that I still love my ex date him then I'm gone with you don't you dare show your face to me then. My friends also call me teddy bear cuz they think that I'm really cuddly . K then I need to go now so bye.

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