I Finally Found Him

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Maliha's POV

When I woke up all I could feel was the pain in my head which made me groan and wince in pain I touched my head to feel a bump on it. After few minutes I finally noticed that I was in a jail like cell and that I was still alive and that I could still find my friends. Yah!!!! I stopped cheering when I heard footsteps approaching the cell but then it stopped in front of my cell.

"Tch so you are finally awake hmm? You know what we don't even have anything to do with you we have just Kidnapped you because we want Kaneki, if he come over here by himself then it's fine but if he doesn't then we will kidnap him and kill you do you get that you piece of trash? I don't even know why the hell did Saquib said us not to hurt you huh, after all you are just a weak and pathetic human." Oh so Ayato kirishima was the one who Kidnapped me oh that is soooooooo co....wait a minute did he say Saquib.

"What do you mean by that and how do you know Saquib?" I asked him.

"I am the only one that can question you do you get that crap face?" Ayato asked me in a threatening voice which share as hell scared the living suit out of me and I started to shiver,whimper and cry.

"Tch whatever bitch cry all you want." And with that he left me all alone by myself leaving me with one thought what is Saquib doing in aogiri tree? No matter how hard it think about it I always get the same answer that I don't want to believe that Saquib was also a ghoul now. There is only one way to find that out and that is to find him and ask him about it myself and that I will do.

Ooooohhhhhh so watcha think will happen why is Saquib in Aogiri tree, well stay tuned for the next chapter. Thanks for reading this.😶😶😶

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