Chapter 3

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I woke up to screaming and yelling coming from downstairs. It was Saturday. I walked downstairs in my green plad PJ pants and a black tank top. I saw John and Zac yelling at each other.

"HEY!" I screamed. They both looked at me.

"It's eight in the morning. Why are you yelling?" I asked them.

"I woke up and he was going through my stuff." Zac growled.

I sighed. I get woken up at 8 AM for this?! This is offically the worst way to start off my weekend. Why can't they just let me sleep and fight later? Allie is a heavy sleeper. You could be shooting at her and she wouldn't wake up! But she's dead any way so it wouldn't matter. Ben get's up early no matter what day it is. So Ben is probably already awake. I am a light sleeper. I'll wake up at the drop of a hat. 

"You guys need to learn to get along! John is staying in that room with you and Ben so get used to seeing each other." I said walking into the kitchen.

I poured some orange juice into a glass and took a sip. Just then Ben walked downstairs and sat at the bar. "Morning Ben." I said starting to make coffee.

"Ugh. The coffee isn't done yet?!" Allie whined sitting next to Ben.

Zac walked into the kitchen and stood next to me. "What shall I make for breakfast?" Zac asked.

"I say french toast." Allie smiled.

"But I want  eggs and bacon." Ben said.

"Alright I'll make eggs and bacon with a side of french toast." Zac said gathering all of the ingrediace.

Zac always had some sort of solution for everything! It didn't matter what is was he always had a solution. So Ben, Allie, and John sat at the bar and watched Zac cook breakfast while I poured everyone a cup of coffee. I passed out the coffee and sat next to Ben at the bar.

 "So anyone have a reap today?" Zac asked fixing up everyones plates.

"My dad said he would stop giving you guys reaps on the weekends. Let you all have a break." John said as he ate a fork full of eggs.

"We each only had one reap this week though! Something seriously going on with him." Allie said pouring syrup on her french toast.

"He normally gives up like five to ten reaps in a week." Ben explained to John.

What is going on. We have easy simple reaps and only one each this week! The least we have ever had in a week was three. That was only because Mr.Blakely was sick that week. Other than that we have had like five maybe six reaps in a week! Something is not right about this. With only one reap each this week isn't enought training time for John. He needs to be able to say everything that happens durring a reap! So far all he knows is get the soul. And that is a terrible start! After my first week I memorized most of the rules! The only rule he knows is don't be late for a reaping. 

This is going to be terrible. "Then I guess we are going shopping at the mall today!" Allie shreiked breaking me out of thought.

I finished up my french toast and bacon as did Allie. "Fine by me. I could use a new pair of converse." I said as I put my plate in the sick.

"Yea John needs clothes anyway. And I could use a new beanie and some more jeans." Ben said with his mouth full.

"Alright everyone be ready in five." Allie said rushing upstairs. 

I followed closely behind her. I don't really put make up on and I can't straighten my hair in five minuets. So I just slipped on some light blue skinny jeans and grey T-Shirt. After that I slipped on my grey converse high tops and brushed my hair. I grabbed my wallet and my phone and walked back downstairs. We were all still waiting on Allie. Like always. There was a mall not to far from where we live. Right down the street actually. Once Allie finally came downstairs we walked out the door and down tthe street.

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