Chapter 7

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I woke up on the couch with Ben on the floor. I had a huge headache. I sat up and looked at the clock by the T.V. 

It was almost noon. I had school today but there was no point in going now. I stood up and tapped Ben on the shoulder. "Ben get up it's almost noon." I said walking into the kitchen.

He stood up and walked over to me. He looked me in the eyes. "You probably figured out my dirty little secret last night while we were talking." Ben whispered.

So he did like me?! Oh my gosh. Ok I'm going to say something. I've like Ben ever since I first met him. Alright I said it. Now that that's off my chest what the hell do I do?! He likes me I like him and I have no fucking idea what to do!!!!

I smiled at him. "Well I like you too." I answered.

Ben's face lit up almost instantly. He wrapped his arms around me and he kissed my nose. Just as he did two guys broke down the door and looked at us. They has white eyes. Angels.

Angels can easily kill grim reapers. They are extremly dagerous to be around. I ran over to the closet and opened up the door. I turned to the left and there was a key pad. I typed in a quick four diget code and the wall slid open there was 4 scythes. I grabbed two and tossed one to Ben. Mine was black with a line of red at the edge of the blade. Ben's was purple and black striped. He liked the two colors so that's what he picked for a scythe.

One of the angels lundged at me with the white sword that all angels carried. I dodged his sword quickly. He started laughing at me. "Your such a foolish little girl. You can't beat me." The guy said still laughing at me.

I let out a deep low growl and lundged at him. He dodged my hit and I instanntly hit the wall my the refigerater."Shit." I cursed under my breath.

Ben was trying to fight the other guy and was doing about as well as I was. Which wasn't good. The guy lundged at me again thinking that he had me cornered but he was wrong. Right before he hit me with his sword I moved out of the way. He hit the wall and  I quickly cut a line across his neck and he let out a blood curddling scream. Blood started pouring out of the wound as he fell to his knees.

"Yea. I'm such a  foolish little girl when your the one dying." I growled. Then I took the end of the handle and stuck it on his arm. It left a dark red fancy old time written G on his arm 

He let out another ear ringging scream and the G that I printed  onto his skin was now left on his arm. Burned onto his skin for his little angel friends to see. "Sorry dude. You've been marked by the grim reaper." I said smileing and I cut his head off with one clean slice across the base of his neck.

His body fell to the ground and blood started pooling around the body. His head had rolled across the floor. Ben had done the same. With blood all over our kitchen floor we dragged the bodies and threw them into Ben's truck. We drove to angel territory. We threw the bodies in front of the angel gate along with their heads. 

When we got home we cleaned up the blood in his truck and in the kitchen. We both cleaned up our scythes and sharpened the blades and stuck them back in the closet.

"I never thought they would cross over onto grim reaper territory." I said sitting on the couch.

"They are trying to start a war between us. They have been doing it for years." Ben explained.

"But why? We haven't done anything to them." I asked clearly confused.

"The angels thought at first they could coner us one by one  and kill us that way. But when they figured out it wouldn't work because we were to strong for them. So ever since they figured that out they have had this plan. If one against one wouldn't work why not every angel in the world fighted against one group of grim reapers. They say that way eventually we will become extict and they can have their army of lost souls." Ben explained to me.

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