Chapter 26

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Today was Evan's birthday so Evan, Josh, and I were setting up. We had candy like skittles, lollipops, sour patch kids, snickers, milky ways, butterfingers, and that's not even close to half of it.

Then we had soda like Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Dr.Pepper, Sprite, and we had them in all different flavors.

Along with snack foods like chip, trail mix, and cheese it's.

Evan was having Brandon, Josh, Jacob, Cole, and Ryder hang out all night. I was staying to because ever since the angel thing at the mall he woulnd't leave me alone. Even if it was three in the morning and I was hungry he made sure someone was watching me. I was always aggravated because he always wanted to know where I was. I know I am is future wife but that doesn't give him the right to know every detail of my like twenty four seven!

 "Alright everyone will be here in like ten minuets." Evan said.

I was sitting on a bean bag playing subway surfers not really paying attention to what's going on around me. A few minuets later a bunch of guys walked into the theater and I didn't want to be here to be honest. I'd rather be in our room on my laptop maybe hanging out with Ariel but instead Evan is making me come to his party. He's starting to piss me off. I saw 21 Jump Street come on the screen and all the guys sat on their sleeping bags and ate candy.

I didn't pay attention I played on my phone unitl it died. So I plugged it into the charger and watched the movie.

Evan must have felt that something was wrong because I wasn't eating or drinking anything. So he walked over and sat in the bean bag next to me. 

"You alright?" He asked.

"I just don't like how over protective youv'e become." I said.

"I don't want anything to happen to you Alice. I actually case about you. I know we haven't known each other for long time but I care about you." Evan said tangling our fingers together.

I nodded and smiled. "Now go hang out with your friends. This is your party." I giggled.

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and sat back next to Ryder.

I kept playing on my phone and drank some Coke and ate some chips. Ryder and Cole came over and got me anything I wanted and of course Evan would come over make sure I was alright.

We were on out third movie. We were currently watching Kick Ass but like the other two I wasn't really paying attention. We were pulling an all nighter so we had a billion movied on a huge flat screen T.V. 

Then some guy who looked almost looked exactly like Evan execpet his eyes were green and not blue. He sat next to  me and smiled. He was about twenty years old.

"I'm Evan's brother. My name is Logan." He said smiling.

"Alice." I said locking my phone.

"Yea I know. Since he found you he's going to be the king of malfesteds."He sighed.

I nodded and unlocked my phone. He got up and walked over to Evan. After he whispered something in his ear he walked out of the theater. I looked at Evan and smiled motioning him to come over. So he said something to Brandon and walked over. 

"What did your brother say to you?" I asked.

"He said you were a keeper." He whispered.

"Your lying. What did he say?" I asked again with more force.

"He said that you felt like a shy person and that you would proably bolt the first chance you get.'' He said.

"I'm not going to bolt." I said.

I'm Dead But I'm Also Alive.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora