Chapter 8

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I have been up for an hour now. I was th only one awake. I had already gotten ready to see the coucil. I was wearing a grey shirt and white skinny jeans and black converse high tops. I was on my laptop scrolling through facebook. All the sudden a chat box popped up. It was Max.

Max: Hey. What are you doing up so early?

Alice: I couldn't sleep. Why are you up so early?

Max: I always get up at 5. I go for a run every morning. 

Alice: Well you play every sport in school. You have to get your excersize.

Max: Lol. Yup! So what are you doing today?

Alice: Nothing really. What about you?

Max: Same. Why weren't you at school on Tuesday? I forgot to ask you the other day.

Alice: I wasn't feeling well and I slept in.

Max: Oh. As long as your feeling better now! I have to go my mom needs my help. Bye Alice!!

With that he got offline. I logged off of Facebook and closed my laptop. By now now there was shuffling arounf coming from downstairs. Zac probably practicing what he was going to say to coucil. We might be going at five but we have to be prepared. 

Allie woke up and started getting ready. That's going to take a few hours.

(__)__(__) 5 PM AT THE COUNCIL MEETING (__)__(__)

We had just walked into the building and the whole  entire coucil was sitting before us. I started glancing around at all the people in council. Mr.Blakely sat in the middle. I looked to the right of him and my eyes locked with a pair of blue green eyes. They looked very familer. Then I matched the face and the eyes. Max. The council was in the middle of explained how this works and I just walked out of the room.

I heard footsteps behind me and someone grabbed my shoulder forcing me to turn around. There stood Max.

"I didn't know you were a grim reaper other wise I would have told you." Max said.

"Sure you would have." I growled.

Max looked at me shocked. Then he looked me in the eyes. "Alice. I would have told you if I knew. Now why are you guys here?" Max asked me.

"Angels are starting to come onto grim reaper territory." I said ready to rip Max's head off.

"I knew this would happen. Are you alright?" Max asked looking at me with his bright eyes.

I nodded. Max pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. Yea compared to me he was kinda tall. He towered over me by a few inches. "Alice I know getting attacked freaked you out. I can see it in your eyes." Max whispered in my ear. 

I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and wrapped his arms lightly around my waist. "Are you going to get in trouble for just walking out of a council meeting like that?" I asked.

"Maybe. But I was worried about you Alice. I need to make sure yout okay." Max chuckled.

"What are you?" I asked.

Everything in this world is real. Vampires, Werewolves, Mermaids and Mermen, Fairies, Grim reapers, Angels, Ghosts, and even Zombies.

"Well I'm nothing but a guy on the coucil." Max chuckled.

"Your lying. You have some sort of secret Max and trust me I will find out what it is." I said letting my head rest on his chest.

Max kissed the top of my head again. We stood there for a few seconds like that. Then as soon as I lifted my head up off his chest Max smashed his lips onto mine. For a second or two I was shocked but I finally gave in and kissed him back. When he pulled away he looked at me and smiled. 

"Alice. Will you be my girlfriend?'' Max asked looking me in the eye.

I nodded and he smiled. Me and Max. Together. Alice + Max. Cute huh?

Finally something good happends to me. I get a boyfriend. How amazing is that?!

"Come on we better get back in there." I said.

I walked out of his arms and he pouted. "Come on they won't miss us." Max said.

I laughed slightly and walked back into counil room. I'm guessing that Zac just finished explaining what happened because some of the coucil man looked really tired and bored all of the sudden. I saw Max take his seat next to Mr.Blakely. Allie looked over at me and smiled.

"You and Max are totally together." Allie whispered to me.

"Is it that obveious?" I whisper asked.

Allie made this weird face and nodded. I sighed and looked at the ground. Then I heard Mr.Blakely start explaining what to do if we get attacked again.

"You must stand your ground and fight them until the death. If you get cut by one of their swords I will sorta miss you little brats. That's the last I want to speak about this."  Mr Blakely said.

"But Mr.Blakely. These aren't just normal angels. Their swords are diffrent. And you know angels they don't just randomly change swords and the designs on the swords." I said to Mr.Blakely.

"Wait what do you mean they were diffrent swords and dirffrent designs?" Mr.Blakely asked.

"They were diffrent swords. They were like a sword and a scythe combined in some weird way." I explained.

"I know what their doing." Max said.

Everyone looked at Max instantly. Me,Allie,Ben,Zac,Mr.Blakely, and all the council men. If he wanted attention he sure as hell has it now.

"They  are somehow turning lost souls into angels. And the lost souls that they keep are either dead grim reapers or angel souls. So they combined a lost soul with the power of a grim reaper and one with the power of an angel, combined them turning them into one person, which turned it into a living breathing human being. And because of that they had to combine the scythe and the angel sword." Max eplained.

"They think that if they can combine the power of grim reapers and angels then they will be more powerful than a normal grim reaper." I said.

"And then they can finally kill us." Allie said finishing up what I was about to say.

"Exactly." Zac said.


End of chapter 8. 

Sorry it took me a little while to right it but you know I've been busy with somethings. And I couldn't really focus for some reason. But since I have to get used to getting up early for school. So I woke up, ate breakfast, and opened up my laptop.

I hope you enjoyed this little romantic chapter.

The question is. What the hell are these angels doing?!

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