Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


"Jake, what's the big secret? Just tell me where we're going."


Bella sighed in frustration. She'd been at this for half an hour, trying to convince Jacob to tell her where he was taking her, but to no avail. They'd been driving for quite some time and he hadn't given her a clue. Bella felt her patience slipping. She really hated surprises.

"Well, at least tell me if we're close."

"We're close." He answered, vaguely. Again.

Bella continued her fidgeting in silence.

A few minutes later Jacob parked the car in front of a local Karaoke club called New Moon. Oh boy.

"Um, Jacob? This is a Karaoke bar."

"Yeah, I know." He grinned.

"What are we doing here?"

"Consider it a blast from the past. We used to come to this bar together all the time."

"We did?"

"Yup. You used to love singing on stage. You had a great voice actually."

Bella snorted, "I highly doubt that."

Jacob laughed, "And that's exactly what you said whenever I complimented your voice. You never change, do you, Bella?"

Bella smiled, "Guess not." She shrugged.

They went inside and Bella looked around. The place looked pretty cozy. It was the kind of place she felt she could visit more than once and feel comfortable in. Jacob led her to a corner booth. Bella slid in first and Jacob followed. He sat too close for Bella's comfort, but she assumed that that's how it's always been so she didn't move away so she wouldn't offend him.

They ordered some drinks and they talked and laughed at some of the lame performances some people gave, some of them being intentionally lame. Bella was having a lot of fun up until Jacob started asking her to sing.

"Come on Bella, for old time's sake?"

"No, Jacob. I can’t do this."

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't. I don't even know any songs."

"Yes, you do. Just give it a try, please?"

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