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You were nervous about your next interview. You've never interviewed someone outside of your school before, let alone one of your favorite authors. Okay... your favorite one. The books he put out were so real and his characters so worth rooting for. You don't know how many nights you lost sleep reading them into the early morning hours. Staring at his little photo on the back cover and dreaming. You wanted to pick his brain and ask him how he came up with the two main characters in his books.

By a twist of fate you got a hold of him, email of all things, and asked if you could interview him for your school. By blind luck he agreed but you did have to schmooze him a bit. It also helped that being a fan you were able to make some pretty specific details but it was hard not to ask a lot of questions. He finally agreed to you by saying he'd be at a writer's seminar and he'd block out some time for you. Reading that was like a dream come true.

The day was here and you got up and showered. Tackling the day with purpose you got ready and made your way to the building. Adjusting your shoulder strap as you poke the button on the elevator you look at your reflection on the doors. Flattening out your front and pulling out your phone to make sure your breakfast wasn't still there you exit when the doors open. Leaving it and making your way to the room with help from the signs.

Taking a breath as you enter the ballroom your eyes go wide. Never did you think it would be this big. Putting the lanyard around your neck after you go through registration. "Y/N?" You slide it on, "yes." "Hang on I have a message for you," she types a few seconds on the computer. "Mr. Shirley will meet you at one in the Impala room," she points where that room is. You look at her confused, "sorry but whose Shirley?" "Chuck Shurley. OH! You know him as Carver Edlund." Your eyes went wide, "in all our emails you think he'd tell me that." She laughs a little, "enjoy yourself."

Looking at the clock you've got less than an hour before your meeting. You wonder around a little and find yourself in a room, a vendor room with all kinds of books and things about books. Looking around the people behind the tables are very friendly. Then you find the mother load. A table dedicated to Carver, I mean Chuck's series. There are fan posters, bookmarks, notepad and pins. You couldn't process how much was actually on the table. The lady behind the table seemed distracted by her phone to notice you.

"Are you a Sam girl or a Dean girl," you ask as you look at things. She looks up from her phone and a huge smile comes across her face, "don't make me choose." "Good answer." "How long have you been a fan?" "Well I'm a newbie and a fan since first read a little over a year ago." She puts her phone down, "but that's the great thing because it doesn't matter how long you've been a fan, you're accepted with open arms." You smile, "have been so far." She leans forward, "do you write fanfic?" You laugh to yourself, "oh no. I can't put a story together to save my life but I do edits. I love working on my computer. Do you?" She nods and pulls a card from her pocket, "this is my username and if you like what you read don't hesitate to make a request." You take the card, "thanks and I won't."

Talking for a few more minutes you get a sudden flash of panic. Pulling out your phone you look at the time, five till one. "I'm so sorry but I've got to go but I'll be back," you point to a poster you've had your eye on, "save one for me will ya?" She nods and you wave, "nice meeting you." "You as well," she responds as you scoot out the door. Quickly making your way to the Impala room you take a few deep breaths before entering. Once inside you see tables set up with more authors around the room but you're looking for one. When you see him. While you get your heart out of your throat your feet make steps towards his table. Other authors are being interviewed but you can't make out what they're saying.

Getting to his table be looks at you, "H-hi Carver," some very nervous words come from your mouth. "Please," he points to the chair, "call me Chuck." Getting out your phone and pulling out a notepad, "mind if I record this?" He points to it, "please do." Clicking a pen he smiles at you, "old school, I like it." There went your cool a bit as a jumbled mess came from your mouth. "Sorry," you whisper. "Take your time," he puts his hands on the table. Taking breaths, "I'll try to be quick so the next person will have plenty of time." Chuck shrugs, "take your time, you're the only one." This relaxed you a bit and you found your words. Hitting record, "so Chuck how did you come up with Sam and Dean?" He scratches his beard a little, "well that's an interesting story." 

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