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You wake up in the morning and look at the empty spot next to you. You groan as you sit up then get up. Fixing a little breakfast you get dressed and eat as you get to work. The day drones on as you do the same menial task day after day. There are a few coworkers that help you get through it but mostly it was a drag. You couldn’t wait to get home and wrap your arms around him.

oing to lunch you check your messages, nothing. This is starting to become a regular thing now that he works longer days. You stare at the screen’s keyboard for a few seconds then just write a simple, ‘thinking about you and can’t wait to see you’. You barely put down your phone when it goes off. Looking at it you see a message and enthusiastically open it. ‘Hey my love I can’t wait to see your beautiful face because Bob’s isn’t doing it for me.’ You laugh so hard that others in the room stare.
The rest of the day was a struggle but you kept an eye on the clock and nearly ran to get out of there. Getting to your car and you smile the whole way home. When you pull in the driveway your smile fades a little because you beat him home once more. You run around and fix dinner and make it look nice on the table. You sit in your chair while you stare at his as the minutes pass. A couple more hours he comes shuffling in. Your heart drops as you see the warn look on his face and what has to be extremely sore muscles. He winces as he sits.
Getting up you move behind his chair and wrap yourself around him. You nuzzle his neck while your arms rest at his chest. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself,” you tenderly say to him. “I know but Bob says only two more weeks. He’s looking for another pair of hands,” he talks softly and that breaks your heart. Picking up his hand, “well these hands need help as well. I can’t be having my husband working himself to death.” He puts his hand on yours and you can see how darkened they are. You move up and kiss his cheek, “come on, eat then go to bed.” He held one to you a few more seconds then did as you said.
You help him strip down to his skivvies and roll under the sheets. You change and lay in the space next to him. Looking at the ceiling you take a breath in then the bed squeaks as he rolls over. He puts his head on your shoulder and you pull him as close to you as you can. Ignoring the smell of oil and metal you just hold on to him. Stroking his hair till he fell asleep then you did. You felt him get up in the morning and sprang from your bed when you heard the front door close.
Grabbing your phone you dial the number to his garage and his boss picks up. You talk to him for a while but finally convince him to let Chuck have the day off. He agreed that he’d been working hard and would move some things around. “Thank you,” you hung up the phone and danced around the bedroom. Changing you move into the kitchen and pack up a basket quickly.
Not even an hour later the front door opens and closes. He comes into the kitchen to see you smiling. “Did… did you call my boss and ask for me to have a day off?” You nodded vigorously, “I did.” He crossed his arms, “why would you do that? You know we need the money.” You stood up, “I talked him into a day of paid vacation. The garage is shutting down for the day and the appointments have been rescheduled and you won’t be overloaded.” He closed the distance between you, “would you look at my wife,” he looked up as he pulled you to him. “My awesome wife having my back. I know I’ve been working a lot but he promised me-“ “Shhh,” you put your finger to his lips, “this is our day.”
Getting the basket you get him to change then it’s off in the car. You drive to a pretty little spot and its empty because the world was at work. Tossing the blanket on the ground he brings the basket over and you sit beside him. You stared into his smile and you wish you could see it more often. He told jokes and the both of you watched the sunset over the small lake the both of you found yourself looking down on. He put his head in your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair. “Turtle,” you point up the lazy clouds rolling by. He chuckles, “that ones an elephant.”
“Thanks,” this was a good idea. You cup his face, “you deserve it.” He grabs your hand, “we deserve it.” You continue to breath every moment in and as your reward he began to hum. It took you back to when you first heard him humming. He was on stage at this little hole in the wall bar playing cover songs. He was rocking out on the guitar with you so close to the stage you could hear it without being around the microphone. The first time you fell for those impossibly blue eyes of his. This moment, sitting with him, this was a good one. Felt like you stole time from the universe so the both of you could have the world to yourself.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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