Internet Call

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You come home from work and sigh as you slide your jacket off and toss it on the couch. Looking down at the coffee stain you shake your head and walk to your bedroom. Mumbling as you take your shirt off and wonder what to do about it. So you pull out your phone and google how to get out a dried coffee stain. You see one way uses egg and the other vinegar, turning on your heels you head to the kitchen to discover none of those things.

I need to go to the store…”
Going back into the bedroom you grab another shirt and put it on. Just as you pop your head through the hole you hear a faint ringing noise. After your hair floofs through the shirt your eyes go big. Running into the living room you see your computer on the coffee table. Sliding in front of it you take a breath and open it up. Then quickly fixing your hair you hit the accept button and smile instantly.
“Hey you,” the most instantly hot man said from the other side.
“Hey Rock star,” you say coolly and lean in.
“I hate being on the road and so far from you. How is your day?”
Smiling wider, “much better now that I can swim in those eyes again.”
He looks away and you can see a little blush. You secretly love doing that to him.
“After all these years… you can still do that to me,” he wipes his face and looks back at the screen.
“That’s my magical power,” you laugh a little. “I’m glad you called Chuck, truth is today was bad and I even spilt coffee on myself.”
He smiles a little, “you are so good at that.”
“Okay mister on tour for two more weeks.”
He nods slightly then puts his head in his hand, “don’t remind me. I miss you.”
“Wait… were you?” Seeing his eyes on the screen, “my eyes are up here.”
His mouth opens a little and has that I’ve-just-been-caught-face.
“I know you were checking me out a little,” you tilt the screen back a little.
“Sorry I just miss… you,” his thought is a little distracted by you readjusting the computer. Framing yourself up you see his expression has changed. He looks around the room and moves closer to the screen.
“I’m not the only one who misses you,” your hands move to the bottom hem of your shirt. You see him come in a little closer and his focus is on you. Have to admit it made you hot, romance is never lost. Slowly lifting up your shirt to see him shifting in his seat you bite your lower lip. Raising it up till it’s at your bra you see a curious look on his face. Then you see him holding back a laugh.
“What,” you ask with a comical whine.
He points to the screen, “I can see your coffee stain.”
You look down and press this shirt closer to you and sure enough, down your bra and a bit on your skin is a coffee stain. You roll your eyes and drop your shirt.
“Oh geesh, bet that was sexy,” you fall back on your couch.
“Just wish I was there to lick it up.”
Your eyes dart back to the screen and you sink into those blues. In a flash you see the man you fell for and saw the first time you met. Those eyes and features are just as stunning as they were back then. You move closer to the screen once more.
“Just get your ass home as soon as you can.”
He gives you a little smile, “will do.” 
“And Chuck?”
He looks back to you.
“Break a leg kiddo,” saying that line brought back the first time he went on tour and said that before his van hit the road.
He nodded, “keep the coffee stain for me.” Then he scrunched his face and shook it side to side. “Actually that is a terrible idea, shower, shower it off because I still have two weeks to go.”
“Yea and that stain would be gross when you get back.”
You share a laugh but know he needs to get back to work.
“Okay babe, see you in two weeks,” you wave to the screen.
He bites his lip; “I’m going to pound you so hard in two weeks.”
Your eyes widen as the screen goes black. Picking up your phone you text him, “you can’t just end a call like that.”
He sent back a laughing emoji.

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