Chapter Six

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The perks to having black clothing and brown hair is that I can blend easily into the shadows. Especially without my bulky backpack to have to hide. In his baby blue uniform, he sticks out like a sore thumb, especially in the daytime. So it's no wonder I have an upper hand.

Justin may be stronger than me, but I'm quicker and more agile. Before joining them, I used to be on my own - rummaging for supplies in places guarded with Sentries. I did that mostly for the adrenaline and as compensation for taking my family - even though I never fully grieved over them, I still felt upset beyond belief that they were dead. Anyways, I know what I'm doing. 

This is how I find myself in the rafters of an old barn, perched, waiting. The barn was behind the original house we were staying in. We hadn't noticed it before, but I did when running through the backyard and letting Justin think I was somewhere in the house. Bought me enough time to formulate a plan.

I went in blind. That's what happened. When I sent the others away, I wasn't thinking that I'd need backup. I knew I could outsmart Justin on my own; I just needed to get my friends out of harm's way, no matter what the cost. If it ends up taking my life today, then so be it, I suppose. I've gotten this far, and that's an accomplishment compared to some.

But I don't think I'm dead today. Justin underestimates me. I'm furious, betrayed, hurt, and in survival mode. He can't win. Especially because I'm quicker than him.

I'm not overestimating my strength. I know that he could overtake me, as he's stronger than I am, and has been trained against me for the last two months. He's cool and collected; harboring no ill will towards me, except for maybe contempt at my cold words towards him. I'm furious, scorned, struggling for survival, and filled with loathing for him in every ounce of my being. However, I have a plan. And while he might have one also, I have the upper hand of being slimmer and quick on my feet.

I'm in the rafters, perched on one of the beams whilst simultaneously resting part of my back against the roof behind me. With beams that support the roof on either side of me, it's safe to say that I'm hidden fairly well. 

I hear Justin walk in - despite trying to be stealthy. With it having been silent enough to hear a pin drop moments ago, the slightest noise sounds deafening. Clearly Justin thinks so too, as he pauses, breathing slowly and softly, as if trying to breath while not wanting to at the same time.

"Bryna," he says after a moment. "I know you're in here. You can stop hiding. I don't want to hurt you."

"Bull-crap," I growl softly, not moving into view.

"Do you think I actually want to hurt you, Brie? I'd never wish that upon you."

"And yet here we are. I thought I told you to stop calling me Brie. You don't have that privilege anymore, Justin," I say, spitting his name out with disgust.

"Sorry, Bryna. I wish I could express how awful this situation is for me. I don't want any harm to come to you."

"And yet here you are, fixated on capturing me, turning me into a slave, and-or killing me. Nothing you can say can counteract the fact that you betrayed us all. You're a disgrace to what we stand for."

"No, Bryna. I promise you I'm not. I have my reasons."

"What, you're getting inside information so that you can feed it to us, thus making life all the more easy for everyone? Hate to break it to you, but that's way too far-fetched, and we both know you wouldn't risk you or your sister for our sake."


"No. You're doing this so you and your sister can have a better life. Well, guess what, Justin   that's why I'm doing this, too. I'm trying to make sure my team has a great life. And your betrayal is just the icing on the cake to this demented story of ours. We've been betrayed, but never in a million years had I ever pictured you turning against us - against me."

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