Chapter Nine

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Brian and Alex are acting like complete goofballs. 

I think it's the radiation. They haven't been this absurd since before Justin left. Almost three months ago.

They crack jokes, insult one another - just complete idiots. It's highly amusing, if somewhat terrifying.

"Are they always like this?" Aaron leans over to whisper.

I snort. "This is a pure miracle. After Justin left, they became model followers. Have to say, I'm not complaining. They're finally feeling like they can loosen their reigns a bit. No doubt it's 'cause we're all moving at our original pace again." 

We've been walking for about three days since leaving the area that we were being watched in. Everyone's in rather high spirits - perhaps the fact that we're almost to our goal has finally kicked in, and we're all positively giddy about finally being out of this hell hole that used to be our country.

Lea lets out a squeak as Alex dodges behind her and Brian comes barreling after him. I pull Lea out of the way and Brian leaps onto Alex for whatever reason, Alex cackling and Brian looking frustrated.

Lea frowns. "What's their deal?"

"Where do you want me to start?" I ask miserably. She raises an eyebrow at me, and I shrug. "This is their real nature. They've been like this since I joined the group. Before that, if you count the tales of the previous members."

"Huh. Never pegged Brian for a goof."

I shrug. "Yeah. Him and Alex were real idiots before they had to step it up after Justin left. Brian moved to my second hand,  and Alex just became a little more reserved." I smile slightly. "Having more people kind of gives them a bit of leeway now that we're not just the three of us. You two are good for them."

Lea smiles, watching the boys as they help one another up. Aaron observes them silently, going through whatever in his head.

I look forward and recognize the structure of a hospital. "Med stop!" I shout to the boys. They halt from their conversation, looking up at the building. They nod to me and we all set off jogging.

We pause outside of the hospital, frowning.

"The one hospital in our entire journey that's intact," Brian huffs. "Well, how are we getting inside?"

I scan the windows and glass doors. "The glass is most probably bulletproof. If anything, the emergency exits are rusted shut." I motion to the steel doors that have rusted in misuse and time. "We might have a shot caving one of the doors in, but we need strength. And a lot of it. And unless one of us knows how to drive cars that have been out of commission for at least ten years, then we're on our own."

Aaron shrugs. "I'm sure our weight combined will do the trick. The doors are weaker 'cause of disuse, and we're all fairly strong."

I nod in agreement. "You've got a point." I turn to the twins. "You two fancy letting out your hype on these unfortunate doors?"

Their amused laughter tells me that they'd love nothing more. 

I wave to the doors. "Have at it."

They grin, and I watch as they turn into human battering rams - ramming into the doors with as much speed and strength as they could muster, one, two, and three times, before the door gives into their weight and collapses. Their act reminds me of the game Dad used to watch - what was it called? Something to do with feet, but little to do with kicking. Football, I do believe. Never understood that national pastime - or why it's called 'football' when it has very, very little to do with the foot. Aside from running, and... whatever the other term is. It's been years since I've even thought of this, so my terms are a tad rusty.

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