Chapter Twenty-three

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The room was silent after what I said to Justin. Everyone stares at me for a moment, stunned that I seemed to so easily forgive him. 

I rub my throat one last time before going over to my bag and grabbing my water bottle to take a large gulp of it. My team's eyes follow me the entire way. 

"That... was the last thing I was expecting from you, Brie," Brian says, sounding utterly dumbfounded.

"Honestly?" I ask. "I wasn't expecting it either. But I don't regret it."

"Are you sure you didn't take any brain damage while you were away?" Alex asks.

"Fairly," I say with a small shrug. 

"Are you Bryna, or are you an impostor?" Alex asks. 

"I can vouch and say that she is still our Bryna," Aaron offers.

"And how can you vouch with that?" Brian asks, ever so smug.

I choke on my water at his hidden insinuation.

"I was stuck in a room with her for, like, two or three weeks." He shrugs, ignoring the obvious implication. "She's had a small change of heart in the time we've been gone."

I nod in agreement. "Definitely."

Alex and Brian look at each other, smirking. "That so?" Alex asks.

I look at Aaron and he looks at me. "They think there's some romance between us," I explain.

Aaron makes a face. "That's disturbing."

I nod in agreement. "Indeed." 

There's no reason to keep what happened between us a secret. I know everyone would be understanding over it. It's just one of those unspoken things that we should wait to see what becomes of us before making it official.

"Oh come on. You'll tease Lea and I, but we can't tease you two?" Brian asks.

I shrug. "You two have been happening before you were happening. Aaron and I aren't happening. You just love seeing things where they're not."

Justin looks at me, and then to Aaron. "Yeah, seriously, Brian. You have a habit of that." He chuckles, throwing me a wink. 

I roll my eyes at Justin, but smile. "Right. We have a few things to go over," I say, getting serious.

Everyone sobers up immediately.

"What's first on the list?" Alex asks.

I sigh. "Who's leading? Alex has been taking charge since I've been here, but we need something systematic if we're going to plan and get to Rhode Island without any more hindrances."

The five of them look around, and then back to me. 

"Aren't you leading?" Lea asks, frowning. "I thought that's what was happening."

I shrug. "I can. I just need to be sure we're all on page, and everyone is comfortable with it."

"Why wouldn't we be?" Alex asks. "You've been leading us for a year or so anyways, might as well finish off with you in that position still."

"Wait," Brian says. We all look at him. "Brie, we're throwing this back on you, and we haven't consulted you. Do you want to lead us still?"

I rub my forehead. "I never wanted the role as leader. I took it because I was the only emotionally stable one able to. Honestly, it's not my ideal position." I sigh. "I don't really have a choice, either way. Unless Lea, Aaron or Justin want to be leader."

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