Chapter Nineteen

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Aaron and I have remained silent since the argument earlier. I think he feels guilty about snapping at me. But then I could be reading the situation entirely wrong.

I don't know exactly how I feel about him snapping at me. I suppose yeah, I did deserve it, and my actions were a bit frustrating. Hell, I'm frustrated with myself for putting us into a situation where Aaron got concerned enough to call me on my crap. But he also didn't have to say some of the things he did. He could have pointed out my lack of tact without bringing my dead family into the mix, as well as the trail of destruction that seems to follow in my wake.

And I could have gone without the sob story, and I probably should have met him in the middle without creating anymore drama than I did.  But it's not like I can erase it now. The damage is done.

And while I feel absolutely guilty about how it turned out, I'm not going to be the first to apologize, because Aaron was out of line, and the way he turned on me was uncalled for. Even if some of it was valid.

With nothing to do, I've taken the time to try coming up with a plan that's not as dangerous, and not as likely to get the both of us killed. I'm pretty sure Aaron's sleeping. Or he's thinking. Either way, the tension between us is thick enough to cut with a knife. 

The door opens, and I look up, half expecting it to be Adam in all his pissed off glory. But we're not that lucky.

It's Vincent Powers, sauntering in with a smug expression.

I stand, noting Aaron stand from the other side of the room from my peripheral vision. I meet Vincent in the center of the room, stoic and unswayed against smug and self-confident.

"For prisoners, you sure are causing more trouble than you're worth," Vincent comments.

I look at my nails casually, noting the dirt, grime, and blood under them, and their non-pampered state with a slight wrinkle of my nose. "For a minion, you sure make yourself out to be more than you actually are," I retort.

Vincent growls in disapproval, but doesn't rebut. "I heard you got into it with the boss earlier."

"Yup. He failed to see teenage logic. Quite frankly, he was a little surprised when I handed his ass to him and poked a hole in that beautiful plot of his." 

"You're going to get yourself killed," Vincent says. "And I'm going to be there, laughing in the crowd."

"Oh, hon, the day I die in your presence will be the day the hell your dear mother departed to freezes over. My offer to send you to her still stands."

"Marcus is out for your blood. And after he's finished with his dip-wad of a son, Adam will be too. You've put him into this mess, after all."

I roll my eyes dismissively. "Thanks for the warning, but I can handle myself. So can he." I jerk my thumb towards Aaron.

"From what I hear, you had to step up when they were about to torture him."

"I stepped in of my own free will. You know, self-sacrifice for the people I care for, and all. Not as if you'd understand that concept."

He growls again. What is it with men and growling? "You're pushing your luck, girl."

"It's what I do best, apparently." I shrug.

"It's going to get you killed," he replies.

"Yeah... I know. But a lot of things are supposedly going to result in my death, so I'm not all that worried about one more thing on the list."

He narrows his eyes at me. "You're lucky the boss wants you alive."

"Eh," I shrug, "at this point I'm not entirely sure it's better than being dead. The company's unbearable, the entertainment sucks, and the food service is... pretty much nonexistent."

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