Chapter Eleven

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Within seconds, my gun is out, and I'm pointing it at the guy who supposedly saved my life. My hands tremble from shock, but I keep my aim steady.

The guy can't be any older than Aaron, with shaggy brown hair and gray eyes that glint with humor. His rough build suggests that he's fought a lot, and the tears in his clothing implies that this run-in with the Hell Hounds was something he was involved in.

"And the girl pulls a gun on her savior." The guy huffs. "What, is chivalry dead already?"

"Chivalry?" I scoff. "In this world? If you're really falling for that whole chivalrous spiel, you need a reality check."

He chuckles. "Perhaps the only female I've seen in nearly a decade, and she holds a gun to me while assuming the position of the up-handed sass-queen."

"Sass and sarcasm are my specialty, doll. And I do have the upper-hand in this situation. I have a gun and trigger-happy tendencies."

"Oh, lovely. At least you're not the damsel-in-distress type. I'm not one for people fawning over me."

I snort. "Not even if you were the last guy on earth would I do that, thank you. Not my style."

"Ah, well. Can I at least get a 'thank you'?"


"I just saved your life," he says with a frown.

"And? I never asked you to. You did that on your own."

"You could have died," he pointed out.

"Your point is...?"

"My point is, even if you're not going to express your gratitude-"

"No need. I don't have any."

"-you could at least point the gun somewhere else."

I debate this, then shrug, tucking my gun into my waistband. "It'd be a waste of a good bullet, anyways."

I move past him, into the hotel room and out into the corridor where my friends appear, barreling towards me.

"Gee, what timing," I remark dryly.

"Sorry," Brian pants. "I heard the gunshot but it took me a moment to process... And then I had to wake everyone... And we couldn't find you... This place is crawling with those hounds, and I just..."

The pain in his eyes is as evident as his fear, and I give him a weak smile. "I'm alright. I ran into a Hound, but I took care of it."

"I know, and I shouldn't have doubted you, but..."

"You have every right to have been concerned. I know how it seemed. But I'm alright."

Alex, Aaron and Lea watch on in silence as Brian tries catching his breath and calm himself before he has a panic attack.

"I just... after the last time..." He shakes his head. "Sorry for acting like a blubbering mess. You terrified me."

"Trust me; I am not letting these damn creatures be the death of me. I'd put up way more fight than just a single gun shot." I shake my head. "You're fine, Brian. I get it."

He runs a hand through his hair. "Damn it, Brie. You scared everyone."

"Mostly the twins and Lea," Aaron says nonchalantly.

I snort. "Right, Aaron."

"C'mon, Aaron," Lea says with a laugh. "You were up quicker than the rest of us."

I smirk, but it drops when I feel a presence behind me and everyone looks at something beyond my shoulder. I turn quickly, swiping his feet from under him and straddling him with a knife to his throat.

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