Chapter Fourteen

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Lea's P.O.V

It's been two days since the explosion, and we haven't been able to find Bryna or Aaron. They were closer to the bomb; they're probably dead.

Everyone's been quiet since the incident. Brian's taken place as leader, helping us gather our meager supplies and telling us that it's time to move on.

Brian's been paying me special attention since the attack. I think he realizes that Aaron meant the world to me, and that losing him has taken his toll. He'd be right.

Justin's stuck around, but he hasn't spoken. Brian hasn't questioned him. I think that everyone knows that Bryna did mean something to Justin, and keeping him around is better than not. It's easier to stay together than lose anyone else - grudges or not.

We're currently walking. Brian hasn't left my side, and I'm not sure I'm complaining. 

Alex hasn't spoken at all since Brian decided it was time to move on. I know Brian's worried about Alex, but he hardly has the time to speak to his twin in private, what with his new duties and all.

"We should stop for the night," Justin suggests.

Brian looks at the sky, then to Justin, acknowledging him with a small nod. "You sure your teammates aren't looking for you?" he asks.

"They think I was killed in the explosion, probably," he answers, unfazed. "Either way, it doesn't matter."

"What about your sister?" Alex asks, speaking for the first time.


"Oh... How?"

"She got sick with influenza. No one did anything about it, and I couldn't afford black market medicine."

"Golden boy's not so golden after all," Brian mutters to me, making me smile slightly in amusement.

"Shouldn't you be arresting people dabbling in the black market?" I ask quietly. "As a Sentry?"

"Everyone uses it. It's not exactly secret. They're just good at not getting caught."

"Fair enough," I reply. 

Silence reigns, and we continue walking, trying to find somewhere to set up camp for the night.


I wake up to muffled shouting, and scramble up, making my way out of my sleeping bag and over to where Brian and Justin are in a heated argument. About Bryna and Aaron.

"They're gone!" Brian shouts, tears welling in his eyes. "They're gone, and there's nothing we can do about it. We need to move on!"

"We should at least check!" Justin shouts back. "What if they're somewhere, being held captive by whoever that Damien dude worked for?! What if they need us?"

"They're gone either way. We need to move on."

"You're scared, Brian. You're scared that Bryna's out there, possibly being harmed or dying, and there's nothing you can do about it. You don't want to lead us. You prefer the back-light. But you don't want me taking control, and there's no one else emotionally stable enough to do it, so you have to step up. Bryna'd be proud. But what if she's alive? What if she's out there, hoping that you'll come and rescue her? What about Lea? Her brother could be alive. Don't you want her to have what you have? You two are the only ones with siblings possibly alive, Brian. And if there's any chance that they're out there, it's our job to rescue them."

"You don't get to come and dictate what we do and don't do! You betrayed us. You betrayed Bryna. You tried killing her. And you've ended up alone anyways. Because of your stupid goddamn mistakes. You can't preach about them still being alive, when half of what Bryna's been through these past three months has been because of you. You don't get to do that. You have no right to do that. Bryna wants me to get everyone to Rhode Island no matter the cost. It's been written out that way since she became leader. You know this. I want to believe she's alive, but logistically, it's impossible. You have too much hope, Justin. You're grasping at straws because the floor beneath you is crumbling. But the straws are breaking, and you're still falling. You have no place here. If you want to go search for Bryna and Aaron, you can. But it's a wild goose chase, and you're going alone. I have a duty now. And that's to get my brother and Lea to Rhode Island at all costs. And I'm going to do that, and only that, because I can't do anything else."

"And what about when Lea breaks down because the weight of both of their deaths hits her full force?"

"Then I'll help her deal with it. So will Alex. Because that's what friends do."

I step back, my sneaker squeaking against the cement. I mutter a curse as both guys turn towards me, eyes wide.

"Lea..." Brian says, rubbing the back of his neck. "How... How much did you hear?"

"Enough," I say quietly, averting my gaze. "Sorry. I shouldn't have eavesdropped."

"You don't have to apologize." He inhales deeply. "We should. I'm sorry you heard that."

"I'm not a child. It's alright. We have to come to terms with it eventually."

Brian's mouth thins into a grim line and he walks over to me, taking me by the arm and gently steering me out of the building we're staying in, and around to the back of it, where he promptly wraps me into a hug.

I stiffen at the sudden contact, but relax, burying my head into his chest.

"It's not okay," he says. "And you don't have to pretend. We're all reeling from the loss. I'd prefer it if you'd actually express yourself - God knows someone here has to."

"Why did it have to be them?" I croak. "Why did it have to be the two people who I trusted and could relate to?"

"I don't know," Brian admits. "But it happened for a reason. Whether or not we agree with the reason is still to be determined."

And so it goes. Brian kisses my scalp gently, easing us both to the ground, leaning against the building wall, still holding me. And I fall asleep this way, and it's the best sleep I've gotten in three days.


When I said this chapter was short, I meant short. Sorry. You get another, longer, one tomorrow, so... ;)

Do you think Bryna and Aaron are dead? Do you think Brian should look for them, or get everyone to safety like he wants to?

What about Justin? Do we trust him? 

Anyways. All will be revealed tomorrow, I promise.

Off to go debate the fate of my main characters, 


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