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One Year Later

I don't know exactly how long we've been sitting in this small camp, but it's definitely been an hour or so. The air is tense - everyone upset about the newest loss of Vincent Powers. Except for me, of course, because I really couldn't give two damns. I mean - it's Vincent. I'm only upset he didn't die sooner.

Richard pulls on a strand of my green-tipped hair. "New additions?" he asks quietly.

I glance at him. "I've had them since last week," I mutter.

"I've been away."

"Yes, I know that."

"They're a nice touch - gives you an edgy look. Would your friends like them, you think?"

I shrug, looking to the fire. "Probably."

"Bryna," Marcus calls.

I look up at him. "Yup?"

He nods for me to come with him.

I sigh, standing up. God knows what he could want. Last time he wanted me, he tried convincing me to lead an expedition into the Slave Camps. I had to tell him he was a damn idiot if he thought I'd actually do that. I may not care whether or not anyone here dies, but I'm not going to lead a group of people into a battle that we're quite literally going to lose.

He could also be trying to get me to talk some 'sense' into Adam again. The guy has a grudge against his father for everything that was laid out a year ago. He and I sort of get along, and he doesn't hold my almost-killing him against me, because he did deserve it. I'm not exactly his buddy, though. He pulled a gun on me, and that's not something I really forgive.

When I'm ushered into a tent where Adam is laying down with his arms folded on his stomach, I note that Adam's father still isn't giving up hope that his son will be back to his prime in the future. The poor guy should be dead. Instead, they have him hooked up to machines to keep his heart beating, and air pumping through his lungs to keep him breathing. He should be dead. But every few weeks or so, I'll be brought in to try talking Adam out of his wishes to just let go.

It's extremely depressing. But I seem to really be Adam's only saving grace. Which is quite unnerving, if I'm completely honest. I don't want to be someone's only means for staying alive. Especially since we tried killing each other.

Apparently, the bullet I fired didn't pass through his esophagus or heart, but lodged itself into some muscle and an artery that they had to surgically repair. They revived him and pumped him with so much blood he could have used it to revive another person and still have enough to function. Not literally.

I guess the advanced medicines help, too, and those were one of my first missions. To steal medicine from the States to help keep Adam alive. I was half tempted to exchange the medicine with some poison, but decided against it because I've been trying not to kill anyone I don't have to. I already have enough blood on my hands.

"Talk to him," Marcus says briskly. "I'll be waiting outside."

I roll my eyes and sit down on the chair. "Sir, yes sir," I reply sarcastically. I'm ignored.

Adam looks at me. "You're here. Honestly I'm surprised you haven't died yet."

"Yeah, so am I," I reply. "But I think your father is hoping I can delude you into believing that you're better off alive."

"I don't know why he cares," Adam snorts. "He's part of the reason I'm here, anyways."

I nod. "He seems to think that saving your life will make you indebted to him and you'll actually listen. And I'm the mediator, because I'm the only person whose head you won't chew off."

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