Surprise, Surprise

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We were finally ready for work and heading down to open the bookshop.  It was a slow day, and by noon we had had five customers.  This was a downside to having a store in a small town, there weren't very many customers every day, and not really a variety.  It was nice getting to know the same people, something I didn't usually get to enjoy, as I was constantly moving and meeting new people.

I looked at Mason, pouting, "Maybe we should just close up at two instead of five."

Suddenly, I heard the door open, "Don't close up just yet."

I turned around at the sound of the familiar voice, and was surprised to see Zach, my ex, walking in.   

"Zach!" I exclaimed, hugging him.

"Hey, love," he said, smiling.  Zach was almost six feet and had brown hair and dark brown eyes.  

"What are you doing here?  Are you here to buy a book?"

He smiled, "No, I lost one of my writing journals and I wanted to know if I left it in the back room the last time I was here?"

"I don't think so, but I don't spend much time in the back room.  Mason, have you seen it?" I looked over at Mason, who had been silent since Zach walked in and he turned around.  

"Let me go check for it," he said, sounding irate.

"Is he okay?" Zach asked, looking at the door to the back room.   

"I think so, he was fine just a second ago," I answered, looking at Zach.  Zach and I had dated for about a year, and things had gotten pretty serious, and then he had to go on tour with his band, and I had to move again.  It was, in a way, a mutual break up.  A few months later, we had met up in the same town and we've been friends ever since.  

A few moments later, Mason emerged from the back room carrying Zach's journal.  He shoved it at Zach, "There's your book," he muttered angrily.

Zach looked at him, confused.  He looked at me, as if afraid to say anything to Mason, "Thanks, for letting me get it, and uh, thanks for getting it, Mason."

Mason turned around, glowering at Zach.

"Alright, I better go then," Zach said, clearly uncomfortable.

"Let me walk you out," I said.

We walked out together and talked outside the store for a few minutes before he said, "Well, I have to go, but I was thinking, do you want to go to dinner with me sometime?" 

I looked at him blankly, "Like on a date?"

He smiled, "Yeah, I mean, I've been thinking about our breakup and now that my band is staying put for a bit, why not give it another try?"

"Um, I don't know Zach... "

"Breaking up with you was a mistake, Zoe.  I just hope you'll think about it," he said, walking away.

I stared after him and walked back into the shop, back to the counter.  My face was flushed, and I tried to busy myself with work.  Mason walked in and I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eye.  

"Can I help you?" I said, not looking up at him.

He sighed, "No, no you can't help me."

This time I looked at him, "Is there something wrong?  Did something happen with you and Zach?  You were giving the cold shoulder while he was here, and he could see it too."

"Oh, did I hurt the pretty boy's feelings? Maybe he'll put it in a song."

"What?  What's your problem?" 

"Nothing, alright? I'm just fine," he said, turning around and storming off.

I walked after him, "No, really. What is it?  Why don't you like Zach?"

"The question is, why do you like him?  What's to like about that guy?"

I was caught off guard, "Um, well, he's... He's not that bad looking, I mean, he's pretty hot, so..."

Mason looked at me, clearly disgusted, "I'm done," he said, turning to leave.

"No wait!" I said grabbing his hand.  "The truth is, this is the first time I've felt like this, the first time I've gotten close to someone, and when I let him into my life, he didn't run, and he followed me when I tried to escape," My voice caught and I looked down, embarassed to admit all of this, especially to Mason.  I looked up, and Mason was looking at me, an odd look in his eyes.

"Zoe," he said, and his voice was softer now, "You can get close to me."  He slipped one hand around my waist, and pulled me closer to him.  My breath caught and our lips were too close for comfort.

"Mason," I said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp, "Is this a joke? Because this isn't funny.  You're being mean."

His grip tightened and I looked up at him, frightened.  I searched his face for some sign of a joke, but saw none.  Suddenly he released me and stepped back.  I stumbled backwards, putting some space between us.  I released the breath I didn't know I'd been holding and my breath came back in ragged breaths. He watched me, still expressionless.  

"I'm not laughing," he said, and walked out.  


Author's note: Oh my gosh I was writing this part, and listening to sad songs and love songs so I was crying and it was intense... I feel like you're judging me right now.  Oh well

So what do you think about Mason and Zoe?!  Or Zach and Zoe?!  Do you think a future romance would be good or bad? Or both?!  Also, do you think the story is going a little fast?  Let me know in the comments!!!  And don't forget to vote!  

Side note: The chapters are pretty short, so I try to upload quickly

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