Red Eyes and Lies

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By the time I was done cleaning up half the mess, Mason had decided to come home.  I ignored him as I cleaned it up, but I could feel him watching me.  

Finally, he said something,"What happened here?" 

I looked up at him, prepared to answer, but I noticed something else.  

"Why are your eyes red? Were you feeding on someone? On a human?"

He rubbed his eyes, "Don't worry about it, now answer my question."

"There was a demon in the house, I burned him, and he exploded."

"What?! A demon?! Goddammit!"

"Now, back to my question.  Why are your eyes red?"

"Didn't I tell you not to worry about it?"  

"That's not a good enough answer, Mason.  Now tell me the truth!"

"You want the truth?  The truth?  Your boyfriend is a goddamn dog!"


"A werewolf! He's a goddamn wolf!"

"Zach? A werewolf?"

"Yeah, and he didn't tell his precious Zoe, isn't that sad."

"Did you feed off of him?!"

He gave me a look of disgust, "Don't worry I didn't hurt your little boyfriend."

"Mason, you're being mean."

"Mason you're being mean," he said, mocking me.

"Mason, if this is about today-"

"Ah, don't worry! I'm not holding that against you.  You didn't mean to crush my heart."

"Mason, it's just that Zach and I-"

"If you mention his name again, I'm gonna do something I might regret."

Just then a sound came from the bedroom.  "Oh great, another one," I muttered, preparing the Hellfire.

But the shapes coming out of my bedroom were much bigger than the demon.  I thought of the woman from the dream and my heart started pounding.  Finally, a man came from the room.  I threw my arm back, ready to throw the fire, when Mason grabbed my arm.  The man came into view, and I could see two others with him.  

"Timaeus!" Mason exclaimed.

"My lord," the man said, bowing.  The other two bowed with him.  He was pretty tall, and had blonde hair and had green eyes.  He had a strong jawline and even with a suit on I could see he wasn't someone to mess with.

"What are you doing here?"

"My lord, we have reason to believe that danger is approaching," He looked at Mason, then at me.  "Ah!  I almost forgot, my apologies for not introducing myself properly.  I am Timaeus, leader of the Ancient Vampiric Council.  This is Eustachius," he said, gesturing to the man on his right, "And this is Herleva."  The man on the right was even bigger than him, and taller than Mason.  He had dark, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes a little darker than Mason's.  He seemed grim, and when he caught me staring, held eye contact until I looked away.  The figure on his left was a woman, Herleva, I thought.  She looked about Zach's height, and had a light mocha colored complexion.  Her eyes were dark, and I couldn't tell if they were black or brown.  She had black hair that went to the middle of her back.  What struck me was how perfect these people were.  Suddenly it struck me, vampires. 

"We are at your service, my lady," he said, and they bowed again. 

I was about to bow back when Mason pulled me back by my shirt, "Thank you.  Now, what was it that you were saying about danger?"

"Well, Milady, our Seers have sensed danger headed this way and our Aurors have recently seen black magic coming from this region.  We were monitoring the area and Eustachius saw the demon, which Milady slayed impressively.  We are very worried for you two.  We cannot risk having you two hurt, or worse."

Mason looked at me, then at Timaeus, "Is it time?"

Timaeus looked at me, then back at Mason, "I don't think so, My Lord, not quite yet.  Zoe showed us her power just a few moments ago, and she is not weak, however, the time is coming soon.  We're not sure if she can handle what is coming as a human.  Some small demons, yes.  A fully grown demon, no."

Mason nodded, looking at me, "I see."

I looked at both of them, "Wait, is it time for what?" 

Mason put his hand on my head, "Nothing yet, don't worry."

Timaeus looked at both of us, "My Lord, we would like to stay here and protect the two of you, if that is not asking too much."

Mason looked at Timaeus, considering it.  "Yes, I think that's a good idea, especially for Zoe."

"Thank you, My Lord."  

I ran my hand through my hair, "Alright, so can I go shower now? It's been a long day and I'd like to get into bed." 

Timaeus looked at Eustachius, who nodded.  "Yes, Milady.  Eustachius will be there for your protection, if you do not mind."

I glanced at Eustachius, and then began walking down the hall to my room.  I stopped in my doorway and looked back at Eustachius.  "It's safe, right? The demons are gone?"

Eustachius nodded, and I walked in my room, grabbed some clothes, and walked into my bathroom.  I heard a knock at the bathroom door and Eustachius was there when I opened it. 

"Milady, should I come in?" 

"I don't think so, as long as you guard the door I'm fine."

"Are you sure, Milady?  If you are worried about your nudity, I will not look."

I smiled, "No, it's not that, but thank you.  You are very honorable."

I was very surprised when he blushed, I didn't know vampires could actually blush.  "Thank you, Milady," he said bashfully.  I smiled at him and closed the door.  I leaned against it and sighed.  Now there were going to be three more vampires around here, constantly watching me.  At least I have some refuge, I thought, looking around my little bathroom.

When I was done showering, Eustachius was sitting in the corner of my room in a chair from the kitchen, and Herleva was sitting cross legged at the foot of my bed.  The TV was on, but neither seemed to pay any attention to it.  

"Are you feeling better, Milady?" Herleva asked, with a pleasant smile.  

I returned the smile, "Yes, thank you." 

I crawled into bed and burrowed under the covers, and was surprised when I actually dozed off, feeling a little smothered, but safe with everyone looking out for me.  

Author's Note: Hey, guys!  Sorry this chapter has so much dialogue and not so much action :P I might edit out some of it when the story's done.  Don't forget to comment and vote!  Tell me what you think.  I'm not afraid of constructive criticism :) Thanks for reading, loves!!! 

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