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I woke up in a dark clearing, the moonlight was bright, but the trees blocked a lot of it out.  I was lying down in the middle of it, and I was wet with dew and it was freezing cold.  I breathed out, and I could see my breath.  I heard someone humming behind me and I sat up and turned around.

It was her again.  She was sitting at the edge of the clearing cross legged and she had a flower in her hand that she was ripping the petals off of.  She was humming a little tune and seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Silly little human," she said, not looking up.  "You think because of your little guards you are safe?  They cannot stop me."  She laughed, as if she really thought it was funny.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Why do you come to my dreams?" I yelled.

She looked at me, "I control this realm.  Your guards cannot save you now."  She picked the last petal off the flower and stood up, dusting off the white sundress  she was wearing.  She walked halfway to me, and looked at me.  Suddenly, vines came out of the ground and tied me down, making it so that I couldn't move.  I struggled against the vines, but it was no use.  I was lying in the middle of the clearing tied down flat on my back, spread eagle.  

She closed the distance and was standing at my head, looking down at me.  I tried to summon Hellfire, but it didn't seem to be working.  

She chuckled, "Ooh, the human has fireworks attached. How fun."  She sat down next to my head, and caressed my cheek.  I felt a rush of pleasure from her touch.  I cried out.  

"Hm, I wonder if you taste as good as you look?"  She put her hands on either side of my neck, almost electrifying my body with an intense pleasure.  Her touch left my skin burning, but my body cried out for more.  She bent her head down and kissed me.  "So innocent," she sighed.  She kissed my neck and I moaned.  She caressed my cheek once again and bent her face so it was right above mine. Her hair hung down and made a curtain around our faces.  She whispered, "I'm coming for you, Zoe."

She ran her hands up and down my arms, comforting me.  I looked up at her face, and suddenly her eyes went coal black and she smiled, revealing her fangs.  Her comforting hands turned into sharp, digging claws.  I felt her making deep cuts up and down my arms, and the blood trickled down.  I screamed.  "Screaming will not save you," she said, and I could feel her breath on my neck as she got close with her fangs.  Her fangs were just about at my neck, and I tried twisting and turning and screaming.

I woke up gasping for air and sat up, feeling a burning sensation on my arms.  Herleva was sitting on my bed next to me, Eustachius by my bedside.  They both looked alarmed.

"Milady, are you alright?"  Herleva asked.

I looked around.  I was still in my room, but it was morning.  Timaeus and Mason ran in, and straight to my bedside.  

"Zoe, are you okay?" Mason asked.  I felt my eyes tear up and I practically threw myself at him, and hugged him.  I sobbed into his T-shirt.  I felt him put his arms around me and he rubbed my back comfortingly.  "Shhh, it's okay.  It was just a dream, Zoe," he murmured, and I felt like a little girl again, safe in his arms, before any of this happened.  When I was still safe, when I was still innocent.  I heard the other vampires leave, closing the door behind them, and I felt embarassed crying in front of them.  I stopped crying, but my breathing was shaky.  

"Mason," I breathed.

"Yes, love."

I pulled out of the hug a little, and looked him in the face.  "I love you."

He leaned forward and kissed me, and it was as if he was pouring all of his passion into me.  He wove his hands into my hair.  I pulled my shirt off and he stopped and looked at me.  

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" 

"Yes, I'm 100% sure," I said, nodding.

He laid me down on my bed and continued kissing me.  He kissed my neck and then moved down, pulling my sweats off.  He sat up and pulled off his shirt.

Here we go, I thought.  The point of no return.  This could change things with us. This could ruin us if it doesn't work out.  Will I risk it?

Mason looked down at me, smiling.  

 Yeah, I'll risk it.

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