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This nightmare was different from the others.  I was in complete darkness, I couldn't see anything.  All I heard were whispers, and when I listened I heard Her voice.  

"Zoe... Zoe, I'm coming for you."

And suddenly the dark was smothering.  I couldn't breathe! I was gasping for air! I was drowning in the darkness!

I awoke to morning light spilling into my room.  I was lying on my back, and I began gulping down air, as though it was fluid.  I felt a cold sweat break out over my body, and I threw off the covers.  I looked over, and Mason's spot on the bed was empty, but his clothes were still there.  I sat up.  I could hear Eustachius and the rest in the living room.  I listened with my new senses and I heard someone moving around in the bathroom.  I laid back down, content.  The nightmare was still at the edge of my consciousness, but Mason filled my head.  He walked back into the room, stark naked, and climbed into bed.  He laid down on my breast, and ran his hand down my side to my hip.  I shivered with pleasure and giggled.  

"How are you, my love?  Did the nightmares plague you again?"

I put my hand in his hair, petting it and smoothing it.  "No," I lied.

He snuggled up to me.  "Perhaps I cured your ailments."

I smiled and clutched him to me, "Yes, dear, perhaps you did."  I pushed the nightmare from my head.

He sat up and pushed my hair away from my face.  He leaned down and kissed me, and when he pulled away I pulled him back for more.  Making love to Mason as a vampire was a whole new experience.  Every new sensation left me begging for more.

"Mason, darling, I hate to ruin the moment, but I have to get up."

"Why? For the bookshop?"

"No, I have errands to run."

He got up and looked at me, "Among the humans?  You're going to go amongst humans after a few hours of being a vampire?"

I got up and headed to the shower, "I'll be fine."

"We're not done discussing this," he said as I closed the door.

When I got out to the living room everyone was waiting for me.  "Zoe," Mason said, "Will you take a seat?"

I sat next to Eustachius, "If this is about me going out, I think it's unnecessary.  I know what the dangers are, and I'll take precautions."

Mason looked at me, "I don't think you realize the precautions, Zoe.  Maybe you should just let us know what you need and we'll take care of it."  

"Alright, well there's a demon somewhere within a mile radius of my home and she keeps threatening me in my sleep, so I need to find a witch that practices White Magic and finally get rid of the bitch, so if you could take care of it, that would be great."  

Everyone looked uncomfortable and I folded my arms and smiled triumphantly.  "So can I go now?"

"Not without some kind of protection.  Take Herleva, she's an Auror.  She can trace White Magic."

"Fine," I said finally.

Herleva stood up and we walked out.  We went out to the alley beside the bookshop and got into my sturdy Ford Highlander.  I was about to start the car when I realized I didn't actually know where we were going.  I looked at Herleva.

"So where exactly are we going?" 

She closed her eyes and it was a few seconds before she answered me.  "Go south." 

We started out south, Herleva guiding me as we went.  Herleva's guidance led us to a cute little house in a small town not far from where we lived, a town even smaller than ours.  We looked at each other and got out of the car.  The sun made me feel uncomfortable now, and I put dark sunglasses on to relieve some of the discomfort.  I was wearing a sweater, jeans, and riding boots to protect against the autumn chill in the air and to protect against the sun.  The house had a nice porch complete with swing and potted plants.  When we knocked, a blond woman who was younger than I expected answered the door.  She had a toddler on her hip, a little girl who looked a lot like her.  She had bright blue eyes and she was wearing a pink cardigan over a pale pink top and light blue jeans.  She had ballet flats on.  She was almost the opposite of what I was expecting in a witch.  She smiled sweetly

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