The Afternoon After

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I awoke to the sun spilling into my room, my head on Mason's chest.  His hand was resting on my head, and his hands were combing through my hair softlly.  When I looked up, he had a thoughtful look on his face.  He looked down at me and smiled.  

"Good afternoon, sleepy head." 

I smiled at him, "Afternoon? How long have I been asleep?"

"About an hour."

I sat up, "What about the bookshop?"

Mason groaned, "Don't worry about the bookshop.  Just lay down with me."

I looked at him and smiled, "As good as that sounds, I have a bookshop waiting for me downstairs." 

I got up and headed to the shower, scooping up his jeans as I went, "Why don't you put some clothes on?"

I got ready and headed downstairs.  As I was leaving, I passed Timaeus, Eustachius and Herleva.  They seemed to be studying the TV and didn't acknowledge me as I moved about the kitchen.  It wasn't until I opened the front door that they turned around.

"Are you leaving, My Lady?" Timaeus asked.

"No, I'm just going downstairs to the bookshop."

He nodded at Eustachius, who stood up and walked over. "I will go with you, My Lady."

I smiled at him, "As long as you're okay with moving books around all day."

He nodded, "As you wish."

"No- I was kid- 'Cause I don't actually- Ah, let's just go."

We  walked downstairs and I opened up the shop.  I sat down, and suddenly someone burst through the door.  I looked over, and Zach ran in.  He doubled over, gasping for breath.  

"Zoe," He gasped.  "I...Need...To...Tell...You-"

"What? What is it?" I asked, getting a little impatient.

He stopped for a minute to let his breathing get back to normal. "I need to tell you something important.  I expect Mason already told you about what happened in the forest, and-"

Suddenly Zach's eyes looked over my shoulder and I could feel someone behind me.  I turned around  and it was Eustachius.  He put a hand on my shoulder protectively.  "I didn't know your book shop was pet friendly?  It looks as though someone brought the dog in."

Zach bared his teeth and snarled, "What's the mosquito doing here, Zoe?  No wonder it smelled like death in here."

Eustachius laughed, but there was no humor in it, "As if you can talk about smell."

Zach growled, "Watch yourself, blood sucker."

Eustachius pushed me out of the way, "It is you who should be watching yourself!"

I tried to intervene, "Guys, I think we should all just take a step back-"

They were completely ignoring me. I turned around and sprinted up the stairs, "Mason, Timaeus, Herleva! HELP!"

I had to give them credit, all three were at the top of the stairs in like three seconds flat.  

Mason stepped down to meet me first, "What is it?"

"Zach! Eustachius! Fighting! Downstairs!" 


They looked at each other, and then sprinted downstairs so fast they almost blew me over.

By the time I made it downstairs Mason and Timaeus were breaking up the fight and Herleva was closing up shop and pulling down the curtains so no one could see inside.  

Mason was the first to speak, "What are you doing here, Zach?" 

Zach was still glaring at Eustachius while he was answering Mason, "I had something important to tell Zoe."

"Oh really? What was it?"

Finally Zach broke eye contact and looked at Mason, "I sensed someone in the forest, someone who shouldn't have been there."

Mason looked at him, "Eustachius, take Zoe upstairs."

"What? No!" I protested. "I don't want to go upstairs, I want to know who it is! Is it Her? From my dreams?"

Eustachius grabbed my arm and tried to lead me upstairs.  When I wouldn't go, he scooped me up in his arms and took me upstairs.  I punched his arms, which were as hard as rock.  "Put me down," I yelled.  I kept yelling and squirming and fighting all the way up the stairs, but Eustachius only tightened his iron grip and finally plopped me down on the couch.  

"Stay here while everyone talks downstairs, My Lady." 

"But I want to know what they're talking about," I said, pouting.  

"This is better for you here." He turned on the TV, "Watch TV, it will take your mind off of things."

"Fine," I said.  I laid down on the couch and turned around, so I wasn't facing Eustachius.  I tried using my powers to communicate with Mason, but when I tried to get into his mind, all I saw was a wall.  I tried getting around it, but it was too strong.  

"Dammit," I murmured.  I turned around and decided to watch TV.  Suddenly, my insomniac sleeplessness caught up with me, and my eyelids began to droop.  Before I could fight it, the tired feeling took over and I fell asleep.  

Author's Note: Hey, sorry for not uploading for a bit, this past week was the first week of school and I was busy with homework (So Much Homework!!) and getting ready for school.  Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading, loves!

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