His Love

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**Zoe's POV**

I've mentioned that I don't sleep.  Lately I've been sleeping, but the caveat to that is that with the sleep, come the nightmares. This time was no different.  I was upstairs, waiting to hear back from Mason and Zach, when suddenly I fell asleep.  I wasn't tired, it just kinda happened.

I was back in the same place my first nightmare took place, where my parents had been killed.  I was standing in the middle of the clearing, and she was nowhere to  be seen when I looked around.  I heard someone running, and when I turned around, my mom ran into the clearing.  

"Zoe," she gasped.  

"Mom?"  She had blood all over her, on her arms, on her legs, on her stomach, and it was spattered on her face.  Her eyes were wild, and she kept looking over her shoulder.

"Zoe, we don't have much time!  They got your father, but not me, not yet.  Zoe, they're coming for you next!  Now don't panic, because your father and I can hold them back for a while, so you'll be safe for a few years, and Mason will keep you safe.  But we can only hold them off for so long.  They want your power, so I asked Mason to repress them until you come of age.  Now, do you remember when you were little and I taught you, I taught you the only way to stop a demon? Do you remember?"

I thought back to my mother's teachings, which wasn't easy, as it was over twenty years ago.  "Uh, yeah.  You can kill them with White Magic." 

She smiled, "Good girl, you need to find a witch who will perform White Magic, or an Angel.  An Angel can truly destroy a demon." 

"What about Hellfire?"

"Hellfire will only subdue the demon.  You cannot fight darkness with darkness."

"Okay," I said solemnly.

She put her hand under my chin and lifted my face up, "You grew up to be so beautiful.  I wish I could have been there.  But Timaeus, Herleva, and Eustachius are there for you.  And Mason.  He's lucky to have you.  I hoped that goofball would straighten up and become a good husband for you."

"Husband?!  You chose Mason as my husband?  But Mason's a vampire!"

She sighed, "It's time you knew the truth, Zoe."  She hugged me, "I love you, and your father loves you, and we'll always be there for you, but for now you have to wake up."  I heard the sounds of footsteps approaching.

"I love you too, but-"

"Wake up now, Zoe.  Just wake up.  You have to."  Behind her, I saw the woman enter the clearing.  

And then I was laying on the couch, Mason was standing over me, shaking me awake.  I sat up and looked around.  It was nighttime.  Herleva, Timaeus, and Eustachius were sitting on the couch, and they were watching me.  

"What's going on? Is everything okay? Where's Zach?"

Mason hugged me, "Shhh, it's okay, Zoe.  It looked like you were having a bad dream so we woke you up."

I was still groggy, and I was babbling about the dream. "I saw my mom!  She told me how to get rid of the demons!  And she told me about the truth! I want to know the truth!"

Mason's eyes widened, "She told you the truth?" 

I shook my head, "No! She told me about the truth!  What is it that everyone wants to keep secret from me?"

Mason looked grave.  He looked at Timaeus, who nodded.  

"Zoe, it would be easier if I could tell you in private.  Let's go to your room."  He grabbed my hand and led me to my room.

I'll Protect You in the DarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin