12. Hands Up

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**** enjoy a quality valentine's day card before reading ^w^ ****

It had been a week since I had come to stay with Namjoon and everyone else.

I spent my time learning korean, acting as a getaway driver, and going to parties, usually with Namjoon.

My days were so filled I hardly had time to remember what life had been like before.

Maybe if I could recall life before Bangtan, I wouldn't have been doing what I was about to do.

If someone had told me two weeks ago that I'd be willing to do this, I'd think they were crazy. And yet here I was, fully willing, excited about it, hell, it was my idea.

I was sitting with Angel and Star, going over the details of the plan one last time to polish over any last concerns and potential setbacks.

Namjoon was out, no doubt running more 'errands'. He had taken Suga with him, as they both had a competition at the Underground later tonight.

It was my plan to do this little job with Angel and Star before surprising him after his performance.

I should be worried, but maybe Star's easy confidence had rubbed off on me, because I had no doubts that it would work. I had scoped out the places a few days ago, and planned everything down to the last detail, with back up plans if anything happened.

Angel hadn't said much, but she had agreed to come along, so that was enough for me. I don't know how she felt about me taking so kindly to the gang life. But I felt like illegal suited me well. Maybe a little bit too well, but I wasn't going to complain.

Besides, Jungkook took her with him on every job he went on, even if he didn't need an extra person. They had become nearly inseparable, and even though Jungkook was shy of women, he got on really well with Angel. It made me smile and coo about how cute they were.

Star had everything ready in the car outside. All that was left was to go.

We went outside, finding J-Hope bouncing in the driver's seat jamming to a Korean hip hop song.

Finding myself recognizing a few of the words, I grinned, thinking about how far I had come as a person since Bangtan.

Namjoon had been teaching me Korean when neither of us were out on jobs, and I felt myself growing very affectionate towards him.

He acted like a tough man's man, but when it was just us two in his room, he was goofy and playful, showing off his English speaking skills and finding new ways to teach me Korean words. He was always making the strangest faces, but it made him seem even more attractive, though that didn't make sense to me, it just did.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I had to focus on this job to make sure everything went right, I couldn't afford to cloud my mind with Namjoon.

I jumped into the passenger side so that Angel and Star could go over the plan one more time.

J-Hope drove crazy, screaming and pounding his hands on the steering wheel in time with the beat of the blasting hip hop. He rapped along, and I found myself laughing, entranced with how unique his voice was. He had undertones of something I couldn't put a name to, but it made him sound so much better, so different.

I wondered why he wasn't in the competition with Suga and Namjoon, he really was a skilled rapper, as well as a flawless dancer.

I didn't have time to think about it though, because J-Hope had squealed into the parking lot and then we were getting out of the car, leaving J-Hope to wait for us.

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