I'll Call You (Y/N)!

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Chapter 3 I'm going to call you...(Y/N)!

Reader's Pov 

 This boy was the cause of the sadness, the smell in that house. It liters the whole room like a candle was lit. I want to-no, need to make this boy happy. I don't know his story but someday I will learn it. I promise you, I will make you happy Silver. "Hey Silver time to eat!" A voice came through the other side of the door. Silver somehow managed to have his limbs and opened the door. I followed closely behind and took in my new surroundings. It was a beautiful shade of golden wallpaper with lights hanging on the walls. The floor consisted of polished wood with a long red rug down the middle. Not a wrinkle or snag on it. We walked down the long hallway and finally reached an area that looked like a huge dinning room. The table was long with many people sitting at it already and Silver went to join them. Silently sliding underneath his chair I listened to the discussions.

I was happily laying down smoothing down some fur on my leg when I heard a growl. I stopped and looked up to see a dog. I had seen some pretty scary dogs in my lifetime, but this one takes the cake. It looked like a regular black and white husky, but with an inhuman but somehow, human smile on it's face. "Smile, what are you growling at boy?" A rough voice asked from the table and I smelt Silver's fear. The dog, Smile started barking at me. I didn't do anything but go back to cleaning myself while listening to the dog's rude comments and insults. When the boy got annoyed with the barking he looked under the table and saw me. He growled and quickly stood up. "Get it boy!" He yelled and Smile came chasing after me. I quickly scrambled to my feet and tried to get away from the dog. Dodging as many people and chairs that I could I successfully managed to get a little distance between us. "Smile stop!" I heard Silver's voice ring out and I stopped running. His voice held desperation and sadness in it. 

Seeing that I stopped Smile took his chance to sink his teeth into my scruff and lift me off of the ground. I gasped and tried to struggle out of his grip but it only hurt me. "Smile please! Put her down!" Silver called out and Smile looked at him before looking at his owner. "Silver, explain yourself." A voice boomed and I flattened my ears against it. "Not until Smile puts her down!" He said while looking at me and I looked at the floor. 'I should have stayed in his room.' "Smile, drop it." The rough voice said again and when I felt my paws hit the floor I ran over to Silver. Kneeling down and grabbing me with the limbs he still had he pulled me close to his chest and turned his body away as if to shield me. "This is my new pet." He said sadly and I licked his cheek to comfort him. He smiled and let out a little giggle but quickly stopped and looked at the person the booming voice came from. I looked around and saw a lot of faces, and masks. A tall, pale, and faceless man in a suit and red tie crossed his arms and a boy that looked like red from pokemon stood up and walked over to Silver. "If Jeff can have a pet, I'm pretty sure Silver can too." The faceless man nodded his head and Silver smiled a bright smile, one that I hope he will show much more. "You can keep the cat as long as you take care of (her/him). Silver quickly nodded his head and rubbed his face against mine. "I'm going to call you...(Y/N)!"

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