Why Do You Make My Heart Hurt?

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Chapter 8 Why Do You Make My Heart Hurt?

Reader's Pov

The sky was clear and the wind was gentle. It was a nice day for almost being December. 'I can't wait for the snow to fall. Then I can make snow cats!' I happily thought and wagged my tail in excitement. I heard footsteps on the deck and turned my head to see Mr. Faceless walking out of the house. "I don't know how you can stand those idiots in there." I said and he just chuckled. "I'm old which means I have more patience than you." He replied and I shivered. It still freaked me out how he could understand me. Sighing my tail twitched in annoyance as I heard shouting from the inside. "Honestly, if Silver didn't live here I would have left long ago." 

 He sat down beside me and pet my head gently causing me to start purring. "You're good for him. If you hadn't come he would still be the sad person he was months ago." My ear twitched in the memory of when I first met him. "I'm glad I met him." I quietly said and felt my heart beat a little faster. "It's a shame that you're not the same species." He muttered and I felt warm. My tail froze and I looked sharply at him. "What's that supposed to mean!?" I yelled at him and he laughed. "I've noticed how you act around him. But like I said, it's a shame you can't mate. You two would be good parents." And with that he got up and went inside while I stayed frozen to that spot. My ears drooped and I looked down. 'Why, why did I fall in love with him?'   

I got up from my spot and got inside the mansion and went to his room. He saw me enter and looked up from his DS that he was playing and smiled at me. "Hey (Girl/Boy), what's wrong?" He asked sensing my mood. 'Why, why are you so kind? Why does your smile have to make my heart beat faster? Why did I have to be a cat. Why did I have to fall in love with you?' I jumped up on the bed and he began to pet me. Scratching behind my ears I purred and stared into his eyes. 'Such a brilliant red.' I noticed and thought about my dull (E/C) eyes. They traveled to his shiny black hair and I noticed my own grey and white hair was dull and in need of a clean. "You feeling better yet?" He asked and I meowed a yes. 'Why do you do this to me?' I licked his hand and buried my head into his stomach. 'Why do you make my heart hurt?'

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