You Can't Stop Me

308 22 8

Brett's P.O.V.

She seems pleased as I open the door for her and allow her to step inside ahead of me. Clearly she has no idea who I am and honestly, it's kind of exciting. I walk in behind her and am immediately enveloped by the noises of clanking glasses and roughy conversation. Of course it's loud, it's a Saturday night. I take her elbow gently with my hand and steer her for a high table that is just being vacated by a couple of guys who are quite wobbly as they stand. "Woah now," I reach out and catch one man as he starts to tumble to the floor.

"Back off now, back off!" He hollers and I release him as he shoots me an indignant glare.

"Sorry man, just trying to-"

"Lift my wallet? Don't think I don't... I got your number!" The man is clearly drunk so I just ignore him and take the empty stool as he storms away with his buddy taking his arm as they stumble away.

"Ah the bar life is the best life, don't you think?"

I look over and catch her smirking at me, her eyes boring into me like blue green laser pointers. "Ha ha nice one. Now, what'll you have?"

She shrugs off her coat and names off a ridiculously precocious type of wine that I won't enjoy asking the barkeep for but I just grin and nod, taking off my own coat and pulling out money to take to the bar. "Be right back," I tell her with a wink, "don't let any of these drunks hit on you while I'm gone."

"You don't tell me what to do." She laughs and I see a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Hey if you won't take my advice that's your problem." I grin and turn, heading through the sea of bodies to get to the bar. It takes a while, waiting around in this packed crowd for my turn to come up and by that point it's almost last call. Guess I'll be held to that one drink.

When I finally start making my way back across the pub I find her being chatted up by a young man, maybe in his late twenties or so. I don't miss the triumphant look in her eyes as her gaze catches mine and I fight another smile as it tries to spread across my face. The defiance she's showing is both completely adorable and aggravating.

"Brett, this is Egan. He's from Manchester." She makes quick introductions and I slide the wine glass in front of her, trying to slide into my seat and push the young Brit out.

"Good to meet ya!" He vacates my seat and I just nod and stare at her, taking a drink from my glass. "Well, I'll leave you to it then. A pleasure meeting you." He nods at Naomi and I see him look at me out of the corner of my eye, then he's gone and I feel a flood of relief. Didn't put up a fight.

"What did you do that for?" Her voice tightens and she scowls.


"You completely blew him off!"

I shrug and set down my pint, opening the bag of 'crisps' that I got from the bar. "If I'd wanted to have drinks with a dude I would have asked my band. Instead I asked you."

She scowls but reaches out for a chip from the bag, "he wasn't so bad. Especially for someone who's trolling at a bar."

"I'll leave you to form your own opinions." I chuckle and grab the bag away as she starts to take another, turning it towards herself. "Not so fast now missy, I believe these are mine and you didn't ask to share."

She rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her wine but I see the grin that she tries to hide behind the glass. There is a moment of silence as I recollect my thoughts, or at least between us there is a lull, all around us people are moving, talking, shouting, drinking. Her eyes flit around to the bar patrons, curiosity and a form of wonderment dances in her eyes and I have to force myself to look away, not wanting to be accused of staring again. "So how long you been over here?" She finally finds her voice and sets her wine glass down, sliding it around to line up with a ring of water damage that permanently stains the table.

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