Lose My Mind

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Naomi's P.O.V.

An idea snaps into place and I turn on my heel, "come with me." It takes me a second to shake off the blue of his eyes. They seem to cloud my vision as I walk back to Park Plaza and enter the lobby, still sensing Brett right behind me. The front desk clerk barely looks up at us and I don't even bother to smile since he's already not looking at us. I walk over to the elevator and press the call button. It feels like the lift takes forever to drop down to our level and finally we step onto the opening doors. I hit floor 7 and don't miss Brett's smirk, "I'm on 8."

I ignore him and he proceeds to lounge against the wall, regarding me with peaked interest. "Am I under a microscope?" I finally break the unbearable silence and turn to look at him.

"I thought you weren't that type of girl."

I can't stop from blushing, "wow, never mind then." I hit the 8 and he tenses up and moved away from the wall.

"Okay, I'm sorry. You're just fun to tease and honestly, you make me nervous."

"I make you-" I scoff at his words. After all, I'm the one who's playing with fire.

"Alright, please... What do you want to show me?"

The elevator reaches 7 and the doors open. I step off and don't hear his feet behind me. I turn and raise an eyebrow at him, "well, are you coming or not?"

He manages to jump out of the lift right before the doors close. "Yes ma'am."

With quick steps we make our way down the hallway, he only has to take one for about every two of mine but here I have the advantage, I know where we are going. I stop in front of my room and quickly unlock the door, letting us both inside as my phone starts to sing out a familiar ring tone. My editor.

"One second," I tell Brett, gesturing for him to sit on a chair in the lounging part of my room, "what is it Ron?" Apparently, it's everything. But it's nothing I can't handle. I'm used to calming his tight nerves when he gets worked up over deadlines or reaching the required word count or, as he's had to do on occasion, send out a review that defied popular opinion. Tonight though he's just uptight about me getting back in time to get the story in on time. "Ronald, I swear it'll get done... And even if I wanted to come home sooner I really can't. My flight is booked and it's too soon to change tickets.... Really another 12 hours isn't going to make much difference..." My eyes stray to Brett who's again watching me with a quizzical expression on his face. "Listen, I gotta go... Yep. See you tomorrow... And Ron, try to remember to breathe." I sigh and end the call, setting my phone down on the small table in the kitchenette so I can remove my jacket.

"That didn't sound like a happy call." Brett's voice doesn't hold a bit of the teasing I've grown accustomed to and it both makes me feel relief and sets me on edge. The mixed signals this guy is throwing out is infuriating!

"It's work." I shrug and don't bother turning to face him as I drop my jacket on one of the chair backs at the tiny table right next to the kitchenette and walk over to the fridge.

"You're not planning on killing me and chopping me up in little pieces and sticking me in your fridge." He jests and I find myself laughing.

"No! Eww! I wouldn't have the room and I can't stand the sight of blood!" I say through my peals of laughter. I lean down and open the door, grabbing out a container and turning to face him, "hey! Put that down!"

Brett's got my phone in his hands and I stalk over to him to take it. "Oh, you want this?" He's grinning wildly and stamp my foot as he moves it out of my reach.

"You sure go from funny to bothersome in zero seconds flat!"

"Aww come on..." He pouts that stupid smirk slipping over his face once again.

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