Drunk On Your Love

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Naomi's P.O.V.

I shiver and press closer to him even though my body is acclimating to the water temperature. My reaction isn't to the water but to Brett. He doesn't ask for much and I give freely, kissing him softly until he breaks away and smiles as he looks into my eyes. I don't know how much time passes but before either of us can think of anything else to say or do the sound of urgent footsteps echoes and the sound of a door opening and an exclamation brings us out of our moment. "You cannot be in here."

"Uh... Sorry." Brett finds his voice first and starts to pull us over to the ladder on the side, helping me up before hefting himself out of the water.

"We just need to grab our things." I try not to look at the desk clerk as I head back to the exercise room, him hot on our trail. I pick up my shoes and grab my jacket, not putting them on in spite of how cold I am so as to not get them wet.

We walk, dripping back through the pool room and I shiver again, looking at the water. Not sure if it's from the cold or from the memory. This time the cross man leads us to the lift doors and waits for it to come for us. "Crazy Americans." I hear him murmur as the doors close.

What was a beautiful moment a second ago now seems awkward and embarrassing and I don't know quite how to react or what to say. I hit the button for my floor and wait for Brett to do the same, making sure my phone was indeed in my jacket pocket and sighing in relief. I shake with cold and check the time, finding it a quarter to 4 and finding that I'm not tired at all. Is he regretting that kiss? Why isn't he speaking? "Um..." I swallow, not sure why I said anything in the first place.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning me gently to look face him and I bite my lip, nerves hyper aware of every touch, every sound seems magnified and his hand trails to my chin, tilting my head up to look into those bright, blue eyes.

"I wasn't planning-" I don't get an opportunity to finish, his lips press against mine again and I'm again melting into his embrace, not caring about the lift as it carries us up, my stomach is already doing summersaults and he feels so warm. "Brett, I'm leaving in a 5 hours..." I whisper when he pulls away to let us both breathe.

"I know." His hand caresses my face and I look up at him, pursing my lips.

"What just happened?" My mind still swims and I feel like I'm still drifting in the water of the pool yet I'm stable in his arms.

"Something wonderful," he says with a grin as he steps me off the lift onto my floor. I should question him when he follows me down the hall but so much of me screams at me to hold onto him for as long as possible. I really don't know where my mind went but I'm not trying to find it. I let him into my room without thinking, I don't know why but I trust him more than I ever thought possible. Even from just a few short hours together I feel like I know him. "Can I trouble your for a towel?" He chuckles and it breaks me out of my thoughts, my feet heading to the bathroom and grabbing the two rolled up towels that stand on a shelf, carrying them back out and holding one out to him. I'm not feeling numb exactly but there's a buzz I can't shake like I've been running a little too long and a little too hard. He takes the towel and rubs it through his hair before trying to dry himself.

I follow his example and pull my hair down, trying to warm myself through frictions from the towel as I towel off as best as I can. "I-I'll be right back..." I wander over to my suitcase, which I still need to finish packing, and grab a spare change of clothes. In the bathroom I stare at myself in the mirror and try to shake the feeling that seems to overwhelm my senses. No luck. The dry clothes do a world of good and I realize I need to let Brett go back to his room so he can change. It saddens me because it means goodbye.

When I walk out of the bathroom, fingers trying desperately to untangle my hair, I find the fireplace in the living room area has been started. Brett stands in front of it, holding his shirt in front of the glow and I bite my lip. Okay, I wasn't expecting this. "Oh, sorry." He turns and sees me, lifting his shirt to slip it back over his head.

"No, it's okay... Smart..." I keep my distance, trying to avert my eyes so it doesn't seem like I am staring.

"Are you going to stand there and shiver or actually move and come get warm?" His smirk is clear in his voice and I know he can tell what he is doing to me. It brings a blush to my cheeks and I feel determined to stand my ground.

The fire feels warm against my skin and I defiantly sit in the single chair by the fire, avoiding the larger seat on the other side with a flash of triumph I look up into Brett's eyes. "Feels nice."

"Agreed." He sets down the shirt and moves to sit on the arm of the chair which sets alarms off in my mind.

"Kind of far from the fire..." I gesture, swallowing and feeling heat rise higher in my face.

"Not exactly..."

Before I can protest his lips lower onto my neck and I gasp. I realize it was a mistake to let him in and yet, in this moment I am beyond caring.


Brett's P.O.V.

She tenses up and then relaxes and I know that she's given in. How can she be so amazing and so frustrating all at the same time. Maybe it's that she's holding back in spite of herself and no matter what she keeps holding onto a piece of reason and logic. "Brett..." Her breathy voice of protest stops me and I pull back. I wasn't expecting this either, not tonight. I draw myself back in slightly, obviously she feels the same way but this isn't going to go anywhere if I rush into things.

"Sorry." I move away and back over to my shirt, it's not completely dry but I slip it back on and enjoy the warmth it provides, though, it's nothing like the heat that rushed through my body from kissing her. I feel her eyes on me as I stare at the fire and when I turn to look at her I find her face is unreadable. Partly because the flames still flash through my eyes but also because she's closed herself off again. I went too far and pushed her. I just wasn't thinking. "Naomi..."

She shakes her head to tell me she isn't up for speaking and I'm not sure what to do, what do I apologize for? How do I make this right? She wanted me to kiss her, didn't she? Or was she just going along with it because I made a move and she didn't know what to do, or was too shocked or afraid to stop me? Maybe she just wants to be friends. I look at the couch and back at her, not sure if I should sit or say goodnight. As hard as she tries she doesn't block off the way her eyes flicker, something is going on behind her eyes. I guess I'll wait to see what she decides.

'Please, I can't have messed this up...' My mind pleads but all I can do is wait.

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