Lose It All

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Brett's P.O.V.

After a few minutes of silence and us studying each other I finally make a move, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Her voice is so quiet that I almost don't hear her.

"I thought you wanted me to leave but weren't sure how to ask."

"I don't know what I want."

When I turn to look at her she's sitting with her knees drawn in and she's staring into the fire, as if she's in a far away place instead of in a hotel room in London. "Did you want me to kiss you?" I slowly move back over to her, sitting across from her and staring at her evenly.

"Yes... I think so..."

"You think so?"

"Sorry, it's after 4. I'm a little addle brained."

"Naomi, look at me." I lean forward, my eyes focused on her face.

Her eyes drift slowly to mine and I see her swallow reflexively. "Given what you told me earlier, about your past, I probably was moving too fast. But I really like you."

She blinks several times, I'm guessing that it's to clear her eyes from the flames and I give her time to process what I am saying. "We just met tonight."

"Sometimes, you just know. And how I feel about you is quite clear. What I'm not clear on is how you feel."

"I..." Her eyes divert back to the fire and I resist getting up and moving over to her, I want to make her look into my eyes and pull her thoughts out. But I check myself just in time and reign myself back in.

"I think I should go. I messed this up enough." I give in and stand up, I can't make her care about me. No matter how much I wish for it I can't force anything. My body grows heavy as I walk back to the door and reach for the knob.

"I wish you wouldn't go." Her voice rings through the air and I hold my breath, wondering if she will say more.

"Why?" I finally ask, my heart picking up with hope, beating faster as I try to remain patient.

"Because... You drive me crazy and I wanted you to kiss me." Her voice grows small and I bite my lip, trying to figure out if she really means it. I hear movement and the soft padding of feet as they cross the floor and approach, slowly I turn. "I don't handle the unexpected very well." She looks up into my eyes and I see the fear and nervousness in her face, she's letting me see her, the real her.

"I am the unexpected?" I question, resisting reaching for her though my hands twitch at her closeness.

"Completely." A small smile starts on her face and I return it.

"I'm not going to hurt you." My reassurance may just be a simple statement but I hope she can tell how sincere I am trying to be.

"Never said I was afraid of that," she whispers and I shake my head.

"Yeah you did, your eyes betray you my dear."

Her gaze drops and I see a blush on her cheeks which makes my smile grow wider.

"I don't know where this is going." She shakes her head slightly and this time I do reach up and bring her face up to look at me.

"Me either, but isn't that part of the fun?"

I kiss her softer than before, applying just enough pressure to keep her lips on mine.

"I bet you say that to all of the girls." She giggles softly and I hold her against my chest and grin.

"Naw, just the cute ones that don't like to have their feathers ruffled."

"I do not have feathers." Her voice is adamant and I chuckle.

"Sure you don't. You've got a stubborn streak you know."

"I could say the same thing about you."

I shake slightly from the cold that blows from a vent above us and she seems to detect my discomfort. "Maybe it's warmer in front of the fire?" I am asking permission to stay and I think she picks up on it. She nods and breaks away, taking my hand and walking back over to the fire.

"It's warmer here." She sits down on the floor and doesn't let go of my hand so I join her, wrapping my arms around her and staring into the flames with her, the warmth that spreads through me isn't just from the heat of the flame but from something new that's growing inside.


Naomi's P.O.V.

Slowly I feel my eyes drifting closed and I keep snapping them open to stay awake. The last time I looked at my phone I was half past 5 and I have to leave in just a little over 3 hours so it doesn't pay to sleep. We haven't said anything in a while, mostly talking about our favorite place and what life is like when we don't have to run around like crazy people on tour or on a job.

Neither of us has brought up leaving, I'm trying not to think of it. I wish I would have met him right when he got here instead of on my last night in London, but it is what it is. His form slowly relaxes and I glance back at him to find his eyes closed as his breathing slows. I'm caught between nudging him to keep him awake with me and letting myself fall asleep too. Suddenly I don't want to catch my flight, I don't want to leave this night behind.

The daylight is slowly starting to creep into the sky and I wish I could send it away. "I think I'm falling in love with you." The words leave my mouth before I can think about them and I realize how deeply I mean them. It's been what? Maybe 8 hours since he first smirked at me in the exercise room and here I am, falling for this insane man who not only is from my country but from the same state I reside in. Hello fate, I think you're trying to tell me something.

My head leans back and rests on his shoulder, watching him as he sleeps while he sits up, propped up against me. I can sleep on the flight home. It's long enough to reflect and catch up on sleep. I don't want to miss one minute of this magical night. I lost my heart tonight and that's something that I didn't know I was ready for. Maybe he could grow to feel the same about me.

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