Going Away For a While

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Brett's P.O.V.

The walk down to the elevators is slow and meandering. I get the feeling she's as loathe to leave as I am to let her go, not that I'm leaving that much later than her. Briefly I think about my own bag as I help her roll hers onto the elevator, it's probably still sprawled open with clothes spilling out of it from trying to find the shirt I am currently wearing.

We step on the lift and stand side by side. She slips her hand into mine and when I look at her, her face is downcast and I can't bear to see her so sad. "Hey, come on, it's not goodbye forever. Just for a little while."

"Yeah..." That one word conveys so much. She doesn't believe me first of all, she doesn't think I'll remember her. I can see her eyes as they focus on some distant point and I wish she would stay here in the present with me for our last few minutes together.

I squeeze her hand gently and she looks up at me with a sad smile. "I am so happy to have met you." I mean it with every fiber of my being and I hope she can tell. The doors open and I reach for the handle on her bag with my free hand, refusing to let go of hers with the other. "So... You like baseball?"

Her eyes drift up to mine and I grin. The lobby is now full of people, checking in, checking out, calling for cars, and just coming and going. It's almost too loud and the idea makes me want to laugh. 'Too loud' coming from the guy who gets a thrill from getting up on stage and singing for hundreds of screaming fans. But I just wish it could be us for a little while longer.

"Um... I don't really follow it."

Baseball, right! I got so lost in my own thoughts that I almost forgot what I asked her. "Well, I'd love to get you into it come season opener. You know they almost went all the way this year, maybe next year-" I stop myself before I start rambling, something easily done on my part when this topic comes up.

"We'll see." Her laugh is easy to hear over the din around us and I don't realize we are outside until the beeping horns bring me back to my surroundings.


"So..." She turns to me and it might be my imagination but I think I see the flicker of a tear in her eye.

"Have a safe flight, and good luck in New York."

"And you, and I hope your vacation goes well."

I finally can't stand to look at her sad face anymore and I pull her into an embrace. "None of those tears now, I'll be seeing you before you know it."

The faint nod she gives tells me she doesn't believe it, her heart isn't in it. Well, I'll show her. "Thank you."

"For what?" I look up and see the door man hovering over her shoulder, clearly he's supposed to help her load her bag and send her off. I give him a curt bob of the head and he swiftly takes her bag and goes to deposit it in a nearby car.

"For making this trip so much more, for being an insane American, for-"

"Excuse me Miss?"

I frown slightly, pulling back as she breaks away. "I'll be in touch." I resist placing a light kiss on her forehead and she sighs, her eyes looking up to study my face one last time. "Goodbye Naomi."

"Goodbye Brett." She looks to the door man and follows him to the car, a driver holds the door open or her and I see her thank him before getting in. As soon as the door closes she looks at me and waves, her hand touches the glass lightly and I wave back, putting on my brightest smile and watching as the driver gets in and slowly makes his way into the road of traffic. I watch until I can't look into her eyes anymore and the car is replaced on the curb with another.

"I'll be seeing you." I grin and pull out my phone, sending a text before heading up to my room to pack.


Naomi's P.O.V.

I clear my eyes of tears and distract myself with returning emails on my phone. I'm not even half way through emailing my sister to confirm meeting up for lunch next Tuesday when my text alert sounds. The name that pops up in my notifications just about gives me a heart attack.

'Brett E- Glad I swiped your phone last night or I wouldn't have had your number.' I can't believe I forgot about exchanging phone numbers! I shake my head and grin as I send a reply.

'Naomi- Knew I forgot something... So, you must not be sick of me yet.' My thumbs fly over the keyboard as I head for the airport and I know I have more important things to do but so does he, and he's texting me. Finally, I'm forced to put my phone away with the promise to text him before I lift off. The next hour and a half are insane with waiting in lines, the nerves of security which I can never quite shake, and keeping my eyes on every item in my possession so they don't wander off.

By the time I get on the plane my eyes want to close and I can't think of a better way to spend the flight home than by curling up in a ball and falling asleep. But I follow through and before I switch my phone on airplane mode I text him one last time. 'Naomi- made it to the plane, about to take off.' I wait as long as possible for a reply and I almost give up when his text comes in.

'Brett E- betting my security is gonna go a little easier than yours ;) betting you're gonna sleep, know I will. Check out your downloads and enjoy.'

What did he... I open up the file and a grin spreads across my face. 'Naomi- expect a critique on your album when I get a spare minute at home lol'

'Brett E- Counting on it.'

I turn my data off and lay back in my seat, closing my eyes and let Brett's voice sing me to sleep. Yes, 'I'm going away for a while, but I'll be back with a smile.'

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