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Naomi's P.O.V.

How can someone change so much in such a short amount of time? My thoughts are pulled out of a fog that doesn't seem to want to let me go. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I didn't...

My eyes snap open and I feel an adrenaline rush as I sit up, looking for something to tell me the time. I knock the blanket off of me and stand on shaky legs. How did I get on the couch? "Brett?" My voice is still thick with sleep and feels a little sore from the late night, add to that the short nap I ended up taking and the fact that I might be late for my flight and I'm in complete panic.

"Mornin' sunshine."

I whirl and Brett is closing the door behind him, a paper bag clutched in his hand and I can't stop the grin that spreads on my face. In spite of my worry, he still sparks an emotional reaction. "What time is it?"

"A little after 7." He checks his watch and I nod, my feet already moving for the bathroom.

"Thank goodness! Can um... Just need a minute." I dart inside and look down at the shelf where I stashed my travel clothes the day before, along with a fresh towel just in case the staff forgot to supply me with a new one.

Showering and changing has never seemed to take me longer and I've never been in more of a rush. It's maybe 10 minutes total that it takes for me to look like a presentable human being and I fight with the urge to put my hair up so I don't have to dry it. Finally I just shrug it off, it would take too long and in an hour it can air dry enough for me to not care.

Brett's back is to me as I walk out and over to my suitcase, dropping the last of my things inside and zipping it up. For the world I wish I wouldn't have to leave today.

"I found a market down the street. Didn't know what you liked so..."

I unplug my phone from the outlet, which I don't remember setting it up to charge, and walk over. I let out a laugh as I see the assortment laid out on the counter. Muffins, bagels, some kind of Danish, doughnuts, an assortment of fruit that lacks the beauty of freshness but at least it's not canned. "Oh wow Brett!" He looks at me with a bemused smirk on his face.

"Told you, I wasn't sure what you liked so..."

"You bought the whole store."

Now he's grinning with me and I feel touched that he would do something like this for me. I look back at the selection and grab a muffin and an orange, moving around him to sit at the table. Every time we touch my whole body seems even more aware of him, of his closeness and it makes me more upset that I have to leave him so soon.

When he sits across me with a stack of doughnuts I have to giggle. "Not feeling very healthy today?"

"Oh hush now! I'm enjoying my last day of vacation!"

"That's right, you go back today too." I pick at the muffin and watch him closely, not wanting to take my eyes off of him for one second.

He nods and swallows a mouthful of food before checking his watch again. "Too bad we are on different flights."

I don't know how to respond to that so I let my eyes drop down to my food and I nod. The clock ticking on my wall announces each passing second and I've got less than an hour before I need to leave. "Brett, is this-" "Hey, do you-" we start at the same time and stop, locking eyes and grinning. "Go ahead." He offers and I try to compose myself quickly, pushing the words out.

"I know we run in completely different circles, live completely different lives... I'm just wondering if it would be at all possible to see you again?" I choose my words very carefully, last night, or rather this morning's, declaration of love now seems completely nonsensical. Sure, I'm still feeling the exact same way I was when I said it, but that's not the kind of thing you announce after one night. We barely know each other after all.

His face brightens and he nods enthusiastically, "I was about to ask you out."

The blush on my cheeks can't seem to be contained and I sit up a little straighter, feeling elated. "I would like that very much." My appetite seems to have left me and yet I still eat slowly, trying to ignore the time. "So, what's next for you after this?" I gesture around the hotel but I'm really talking about the end of his Europe excursion, he seems to understand.

"Head home for a bit, nothing much on the books at the moment. I'm looking forward to the downtime."

I can see where he's coming from. I've got a full schedule right from the get go the second I land. I love these trips but I always feel frazzled, like relaxation is just beyond the next restaurant, the next deadline, 5 years and counting and I'm still waiting for some type of vacation. Actually, the last dozen hours or so have felt that way. The thought seems to take up my mind and I'm left staring into a pair of blue eyes that dance under my gaze.

"You know, my parents still live in Illinois... I'm planning on spending a few weeks with them at some point..."

"Oh?" My voice sounds higher pitched than I intended. He really wants to follow through on seeing me again.


Brett's P.O.V

My head bobs slightly in a nod and I watch her for a reaction. She's flushed and even under the fresh coat of makeup I can see her red tinted cheeks. I'd like to try to make something out of this. I really like this excitable, spit fire of a person.

"I'd be alright with that, as long as it works with my schedule."

I feel like laughing at her, the seriousness she puts across, even when it comes to matters of the heart, is kind of hilarious. "Oh, it's gonna work." I wink at her before popping the last bite of pastry in my mouth. It makes her giggle.

"I wish the night hadn't gone so fast." She laments, picking away pith from the orange she just peeled, her focus completely on the fruit.

"It could have gone slower, if we would have stayed in jail it could still be going on."

She laughs at this and the sound makes me grin before joining her laughter. "What are you doing with all of that extra food?" She peeks over her shoulder and I'm made aware of how close it is to 8:30. The front desk called her room at 7 and confirmed her check out time and that a car would be waiting for her outside the lobby.

"Here's an idea!" I jump up and swiftly walk to the phone, grabbing the notepaper and a pen that sit next to the receiver. "'Brunch is on me, please enjoy :)'" I write the words as I say them out loud and then move to place the note next to the untouched breakfast stuffs. "Good?" I turn to her, thumb in the air.

"Good." She agrees with a nod and a giggle.


A/n: shout out to @iloveNiallLouisnLiam for the awesome cover 😉 that made my day

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