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Naomi's P.O.V.

It's not my fault that I trip. It's hard running in heels! Brett turns around to look at me and I'm too busy laughing to tell him to watch out. He bowls into a couple that had swerved to get out of our way and mistakenly tried turning on to the wrong side of the walkway. They let out simultaneous cries as we all crash to the pavement. My body connects with something soft and when I recover I look down to see Brett's black jacket beneath me. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so..." Brett's winded voice comes out as a half rasp, half laugh and his body starts to shake.

"Help! Get off!" A shrill voice accompanies a gruff and angry tone of someone shouting and then I am yanked to my feet.

"Well I never-"

"What seems to be the problem?" I glance up as I pull Brett to his feet and pinch my nails into his hand to try to get him to stop laughing as the man helps up the women. A police man approaches, shining a bright beamed flashlight in our direction. I wince when it lands on my face.

"They- they were trying to take my purse!"

I start and turn to look at the women who clutches her wrist to her body painfully. "No, we just-" I elbow Brett in the side as he starts laughing again.

"Is that so?" The lights beam centers in on my face again and I squint, sharp pain stabbing into my eyes then flashes to Brett.

"That's right! I was just walking my workmate home like every night and suddenly these two race out of nowhere and tried to incapacitate us!"

"Officer, that's not it at all, we just-"

"Excuse me, have you been drinking tonight?"

"Well yeah but-" I wish Brett would just speak already! He keeps chortling and it's definitely making us seem like the crazies these people are claiming we are.

"I think you'd better come with me... Johnson," the officer turns and addresses his partner, who immediately begins to escort us towards a still running car.

"This isn't necessary, please... Can't we explain?"

"If you don't come along peacefully we will use restraint and force."

I sigh and give in, it'll do no good to fight. Just gotta get to the station and show them our passports and papers and all will be forgotten.

The door slams behind Brett and I can barely manage to look at him, I'm not very happy with him right now, just some sane action from him back there and we wouldn't be in this mess! "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"

There is a pause and I'm about to ask again, he isn't getting let off the hook that easy. "Wish my legs weren't so long, this back seat is cramped!" Then he bursts out laughing and I find it hard to keep my composure.

"Shh!" I giggle and attempt to set my jaw and stop laughing. "This isn't good."

"You know what's worse?" He manages to wheeze through a couple labored breaths."


"I forgot my passport in my room!"

"You what?" Now we are both full out laughing and I'm gasping for breath, praying the cops don't come back to the car at this moment.

Brett nods and I swear he's crying so hard I see a tear roll down his cheek. I reach over and shove him which makes him stop laughing enough to pull in some air, I do the same. Then we both look at each other and start laughing hard again.

Finally I feel like I'm going to faint from laughing and I suddenly am overcome by a wave of exhaustion. I prop my head against his shoulder and focus on pulling in breath after breath.

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