Chapter 27 112 days left

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Angelinas pov

" lost , you know that you don't have to walk me ". I said while looking at lost silver . " I know I don't but I want to plus I won't be able to see you in the morning so its fine ". Lost said while squezzing my hand . I rolled my eyes at the gesture but I knew that I wouldn't be able to convince him . As we were walking down the stairs at the corner of my eyes I noticed a blinking red light coming from one of the steps , but before I could do anything lost stepped on the light and I felt my whole body get slammed into the wall . I growled as my body slid down .
As my body hit the ground I started to hear laughing but what I noticed about the laugh was that it sounded familiar .
" aww look its poor angie so helpless and vulnerable ". Julianna said while smirking . I tried moving my body but I couldn't my body felt numb . "Don't worry ange it only lasts for three hours ". Julianna said while smiling . As I was about to say something I felt immense pain in my stomach . I looked up and saw that julianna had kicked me in my stomach . I growled as the pain hit me .
" what's wrong ange not a tough bitch now are you huh ". Julianna said while grabbing a chunk of my hair .
" shut the hell up julianna , this is acutally patheic ". I said while getting the feeling back into my body . " really you had to paralzye me just so you could beat me up are you serious ". I said while getting up . I noticed that juliannas eyes widen in fear as I got up . I smiled at how her confidence soon turned into pure terror . "How did you ... your supposed to be paralyzed ". Julianna said while stepping back . " you really think me being paralyzed is going to stop me well if that's the case then your really fucking stupid ". I said while grabbing juliannas neck . Before I could do anything else I heard moaning of pain come from the other side of the living room . I looked over at where the noise was coming from and saw lost silver laying on the ground with his arm twisted the wrong way . I felt the inside of my heart ache as I saw him in that state . I looked over at julianna and grabbed her arm and pushed her to the wall . " you know what happens to people who hurt the ones I love ". I said while turning my eyes red . Before I could do anything I felt someone come up behind me and pull me off of julianna . " angelina what the hell is wrong with you get off of her ". I heard masky say . " what's wrong with me , your asking me what's wrong why don't you ask this bitch over here ". I said while walking over to lost silver . I kneeled down amd examined the wound . As I was looking at the wound I noticed a piece of Ls's bone sticking out . I looked back over at julianna and masky and saw that both of them were laughing . I growled and was about to get up when I felt someone grab my hand . I looked down and saw that Ls had grabbed me .

Amandas pov

I've heard that every year the creepypastas and proxys have a prank war . I'm not that really good at pranking people but I sure do love to fuck with people especially jeff and ben . I've been trying to think of a way to prank them since the blow dryer incident I don't know why I used my blow dryer if my hair wasn't even wet . I looked around my room to see if I had anything too use for the pranks all I saw was duck tape and a sharpie . I had finally thought of an idea and grabbed both the sharpie and duck tape . I walked out of my room and headed to bens room . I kmew that ben was asleep so I had time to do my prank .
As I snuck into bens room I noticed that his room was very messy papers were on the floor his video games were everywhere while his clothes dumped on the desk , bed , and floor . I looked over at the bed and saw ben laying down curled up in a green blanket . I decided to approach the sleeping boy and start my prank . I tried to be as quite as possible so that he wouldn't wake up . When I was at least 10 inches from his bed before I could take another step I felt my body get lifted up into the air . I thought that someone had picked me up but when I looked down I saw that I was hanging upside down . " hahahahaha oh my god haha ". Ben said while laughing . " ben you jerk that's not cool ". I said while taking out mt knife . " sorry sweetheart but its your own fault ". Ben said while walking away . I growled as I started to cut myself down .

Angelinas pov (sorry about the switches hehe )

I looked down amd saw that lost silver had grabbed my hand .
" its ok I'm fine ange don't worry about it ". Lost said while trying to pull himself up . Before I could help him lost he slipped and landed on his broken arm . As he did that I heard him scream in pain . " lost are you okay hold on let me help ". I said while putting Ls arm around me . Before I could start moving I heard footsteps coming towards us . " you know angie;what goes best with screams .... blood ". Masky said while taking his knife out . I growled as i held lost closer to me . " masky back off , what's wrong with you ?"I asked while backing away with lost. " nothings wrong its just that lost silver is getting annoying being here ". Masky said while running at me . Out of quick action I pushed lost onto the couch and kicked masky . As I heard him moan in pain , I took my knife out and stood in front of the couch . " if you want lost then your going to have to go through me too get him ". I said while standing in my fighting stance .
" oh please this is going to be easy ". Maksy said while taking out a gun ." Its either you get shot and die or you move and lost dies you pick ange". Masky said while pointing the gun at me . " id rather die then let you hurt lost silver ". I sais while turning my eyes red . " ange I think you should listen to him ". Jake said with concern in his voice . " w-what jake are you serious I'm not doing that ". I said while standing my ground I looked behind me real quick and saw that lost was looking down . " you gotta trust me I have a plan ". Jake said . " mmmmmmm fine I'm trusting his life in your hands ok , don't let me down ". I said while putting my knife away and walking away from lost silver . I looked back and saw that lost eyes widen in fear as I left him . " that's a good choice angie ". Masky said while cocking the gun back and aiming it at lost silver . " lost trust me okay your going to be fine ". I said while backing away more . Before I could do anything else as if time slowed down I heard the gun go off . " JAKE DO IT NOW ". I yelled while kicking maskys gun away . When I saw that masky was on the floor I turned back around and what I saw broke my soul into bitter pieces . Lost silver was laying on the couch with his head qocked back , blood running down his neck down to his white t-shirt staining it with blood . As if the worlds sounds turned off all I heard was my breathing . I had lost the only person that I really loved now because of me he's gone because of me he's Dead . My poor lost silver

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